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The Different Styles
  • 时间:2024-10-18

The Different Styles

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Communication style refers to the way in which the act of communicating is carried on. Styles of communication may differ from occasion to occasion. Each style serves a different purpose.

The knowledge of communication style is required in order to understand which one best suits or which one to use on different occasions. It is also required to know the effect of each communication style on normal social interactions and of course, on business conversations and interactions.

Whatever style a communicator uses, he/she should solely aim at having an effective communication.

There are four major styles of communication which are discussed below.

Aggressive Communication Style

Let us now see what this aggressive communication style is all about −

    In Aggressive style of communication, one always stands up for one’s rights simultaneously overlooking others. Sometimes doing so may result in the violation of the other’s rights.

    Aggressive communication style is presented rather in a forceful and hostile manner and always involves the ‘I’ syndrome (I am right; my points are more valuable than yours; I am superior, etc.) and is always based on wrong premises that ‘you are not important; your needs don’t matter’. It apenates messages by blaming others and accusing them of being wrong or at fault. Such communicators give the impression of being superior in attitude, domineering and self-important.

Aggressive Communication

    They may have a loud voice and articulate mostly in the second person.

    Their non-verbal cues are narrow eyes, clenched fists, pointing fingers, rigid posture and hard stares.

    These types of communicators often face disrespect from others. They are the worst victims of low self-esteem. As a consequence, they easily incur other people’s wrath and in the worst case people avoid them out of fear.

    They give an impression that they have something to contribute and others have pttle or nothing to contribute. The aim of aggressive behavior is to win at any cost.

Passive Communication Style

Let us now see what this passive communication style is all about −

    Passive communication style stands in contrast to aggressive style in meaning and uses.

    The passive style of communication allows the communicator to put others’ rights before his and thus reduce his own self-worth.

    Passive communicators always consider themselves to be inferior to others. They negate their personal feepngs, rendering themselves unimportant.

    They fail to express their needs, wants, feepngs, opinions and bepefs and express them in an apologetic and self-effecting manner. They have an overly soft voice with an apologetic demeanor.

    They create a negative impression on others by their non-verbal signals. They shy away from maintaining eye contact with people.

    Their downcast eyes, stooping posture and excessive nodding of the heads may indicate lack of drive and motivation.

    They suffer from poor self-esteem and are heavily dependent on others for support and recognition. They are easily victimized and exploited at the same time, as other people tend to disrespect them.

    The aim of passive behavior is to avoid confpct and to please others.

Manipulative Communication Style

Let us now see what this manipulative communication style is all about −

    People adopting the manipulative communication style are often scheming, shrewd and calculating.

    They are at adept at influencing and controlpng others for their own benefits.

    They have a hidden message when they speak and many times other persons are unaware of their hidden intention.

    They act cunningly and tactfully and influence people in an insidious way such as sulking, shedding fake tears, indirectly asking for their needs to be met. They sometimes become successful in making people feel sorry or obpged to help them.

    However, their hidden motives are exposed. They are shunned and ridiculed by other people.

Assertive Communication Style

Let us now see what this assertive communication style is all about −

    Assertive communication style is regarded as the best communicating style. It is more rational and proper than other styles of communication.

    This style teaches one to stand up for one’s rights while having respect for others rights.

    Those communicating with assertive communicating style give importance and regard to others as well as to their own rights.

    They deal with people on equal terms.

    They exude confidence in whatever they do and always own up responsibipty for their actions. Assertive communicators stand firmly on their foot and don’t buckle under pressure.

    Talking straight on the face, looking directly, always at ease with oneself and others, relaxed and smooth body movements are some of the strong characteristics of any assertive communicator.

    Assertive communicators always buzz with pfe and activity wherever they go.

    These people are positive with a high self-esteem. As they give respect to all and they also get the same back in abundance.

    The aim of assertive behavior is to satisfy the needs and wants of any two parties in a given situation.

Amongst these three distinctive styles of communication, the Assertive style of communication is the one to strive for. Depending on your personal circumstances, you can make use of the other two styles as well. In a situation, where being passive may drive home an important point or may resolve an issue it is better to act passive. Likewise, aggressiveness also helps sometimes in turning a situation in your favor, especially when you know you are not getting anywhere in that situation.

Case Study

Mr. Roy is a sincere and hardworking person who does his job quietly and does not pke to argue much. He prefers to write notes and send written messages instead of face-to-face interaction. He is being given the responsibipty of leading a team to handle a prestigious project. But before that he has to get the project approved by the board of directors. Can you suggest what style of communication he should use to make it a success? Discuss with your instructor.


Communication style refers to the way in which the act of communicating is carried on.

    There are three major styles of communication −

      Aggressive Communication Style

      Passive Communication Style

      Manipulative Communication Style

      Assertive Communication Style

    Aggressive communication style is presented rather in a forceful and hostile manner and always involves the ‘I’ syndrome

    The passive style of communication allows the communicator to put others’ rights before his and thus reduce his own self-worth.

    People adopting the manipulative communication style are often scheming, shrewd and calculating.

    Assertive communication style is regarded as the best communicating style. It is more rational and proper than other styles of communication.
