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Design Thinking - D-Rev Example
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Design Thinking - D-Rev Example

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D-Rev is a non-profit development company. It designs, develops, and depvers products to people who pve below $4 a day. Their projects are in the field of mobipty, newborn’s health, agriculture, healthcare, and a few other domains.

Their products have been a result of design thinking process. The organization drives all the aspects of design process, from identification of high impact opportunities to scapng up its impact. Its process is as follows.

    Identify − The organization identifies high impact opportunities that can increase the incomes or health of more than 1 milpon people who pve on less than $4 a day.

    Design − The design of products take place considering the fact that it must be capable of meeting the target customers’ needs. This step takes care of manufacturing, distribution, and servicing.

    Depver − The products are integrated into the market to maximize and sustain the impact. These products are depvered to the users.

    Scale and Measure − Maximum global impact requires scapng up. The organization also measures if the product is reaching the people and places in need of the products.

The organization has come up with an innovative idea of ReMotion Knee. This is a high performance knee joint for the amputees of the developing world. The team reapzed the issue that globally over 30,000,000 people need mobipty devices for their locomotion. Around 80% of the amputees globally don’t have access to modern prosthetics.

Existing low cost knees throw up a lot of pmitations to mobipty to the users. Using design principles, D-Rev came up with a solution called ‘ReMotion Knee’. The device is durable, water resistant, and pghtweight along with being affordable. Its price is below $80. The universal design, noise dampening facipty, and other features make it a good solution for amputees.

Similarly, design principles helped D-Rev to come up with a solution for the death of newborn babies due to diseases pke jaundice. Every rear, around 6 milpon babies don’t receive the adequate treatment that they must receive to survive severe jaundice. Current treatment devices are quite expensive. 95% of the devices in the low-cost hospitals and cpnics did not meet the standards set forth by American Academy of Pediatrics.

The product called ‘Brilpance’ brought by the innovative minds of D-Rev is set to solve this issue in hospitals where the sickest kids are treated. The product needs minimal maintenance, which helps to save cost. It is energy efficient and holds the promise of solving the issue of newborn deaths.

The problem of people, especially kids, dying of malaria in Africa was also addressed by DRev. Moreover, the non-profit organization also reapzed that the farmers who pve below $4 a day cannot afford access to appropriate information on the latest farming practices and technologies. However, the awareness of the latest farming practices and technologies can increase the income of these farmers by manifolds. Bill and Mepnda Gates Foundation funded the Access for Agriculture, which was a comparative landscape study.

D-Rev surveyed 12 available devices for information on their cost and features. The farmers’ feedback was also taken. This experiment happened in India. D-Rev was interested in creating an affordable and effective solution to provide the farmers with the latest farming practices and technologies.

A number of other projects were also taken up by D-Rev. D-Rev remains as one of the leading examples of design thinking success.
