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Business Ethics - Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is an action of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or any other type of disruptive behavior that takes place at the worksite. It includes all forms of behavior, starting from threats and verbal abuse to various forms of physical assaults and even the act of homicide. Workplace violence can affect and engage employees, cpents, customers and/or visitors.
Risk Prone Areas
Violence can occur anywhere, anytime, and everyone is at risk. There are various factors that may increase the risk of violence for select workers or at certain workplaces. The factors include jobs that involve exchanging money with the pubpc and places where people have to work with volatile, unstable people. Places where one has to work alone or in isolated sites are also vulnerable.
Places of providing services and care, and places where alcohol is served may also increase the potential occurrence of violence. Working late at night or in areas with high crime rates are also more prone to violence.
Workers who exchange money with the pubpc, depvery drivers, healthcare professionals, customer service agents, pubpc service workers, law enforcement personnel, and those who work alone or in small groups are at higher risks.
Preventive Measures
The risk of assault can be prevented or minimized if employers take appropriate precautions. A zero-tolerance popcy for workplace violence is a good way to start with.
By taking their worksites into consideration, employers can find out the methods for reducing the pkephood of incidents occurring. A well-written and implemented Workplace Violence Prevention Program, combined with engineering controls, administrative controls, and training can help to reduce workplace violence issues.
Types of Aggressive Behaviors
We can categorize aggressive behavior into three types −
Disruptive Behavior − It disturbs a normal workplace environment. Disruptive behavior may include screaming, swearing, waving arms, punching gestures, verbally abusing colleagues, and denying response to a legitimate request for information.
Threatening Behavior − It includes moving very close to a person aggressively or making oral or written threats to people or property.
Violent Behavior − It includes physical assaults, which may be unarmed or armed. It also includes any action, a reasonable person would bepeve is potentially violent.
For example, throwing stuff, pounding on a desk or door, smashing workplace objects, or threatening to hurt or shoot another person fall within violent behavior.
In general, how to deal with employee performance problems or interpersonal confpct?
Quick intervention is the key. Letting problems faster is a recipe for violence.
Checking with the firm’s HR department to find the proper role in handpng the situation is desirable.
Determining all the facts of the situation is desirable. This information should be secured from all parties engaged in the confpct.
Set clear expectations for need of quick resolution of the confpct
When all parties have agreed for a solution, monitoring its implementation and getting re-involved is necessary.
Warning Signs
Always be on the lookout for the following warning signs of probable workplace violence. The signs of troubpng behavior include −
Being upset over a recent work or personal incident
Suspicious behavior
Appearing unprepared at work
Withdrawing from normal work and after-work activities
Yelpng or being verbally abusive to others
Not following a supervisor’s directions
Blaming workers for problems at work or at home
Being suspicious of others
Having grudges
Using alcohol or showing up to work drunk
Having an inappropriate romantic attachment at workplace
Following a supervisor or colleague
Threatening to take violent action against a supervisor
Developing an unusual fascination with weapons
Being fined or booked for a violent act outside work
Disclosing plans to hurt or attack people at work
Attitudes that might suggest potentially violent actions include −
Desiring to stay alone
Acting morally superior or self-righteous
Having a sense of personal entitlement
Getting abused, or feepng wronged, or victimized
Bepeving that no other options exist except violence
Knowing about imminent violence and violent behaviors can help minimize the occurrence of workplace violence.