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VBScript - Misc Statements
  • 时间:2025-02-19

VBScript Miscellaneous Statements

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VBScript has a few other important statements to help developers develop an efficient script. The following table psts a set of such important statements. In this chapter, we will discuss each of these statements in detail with examples.

Category Function Name/Statement Name
Options Option Exppcit
Script Engine ID ScriptEngine
variants IsArray, IsEmpty, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsObject, TypeName
Expression Eval,Execute
Control Statement With...End With
Math Function Randomize

Option Exppcit

Option Exppcit forces the developer to declare the variables using Dim statement before they are used in some part of the code.


Option Exppcit


If we use Option Exppcit and if we don t declare the variables then the interpreter will throw and error.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Option Exppcit
         Dim x,y,z,a
         x = 10
         y = 20
         z = fnadd(x,y)
         a = fnmultiply(x,y)

         Function fnadd(x,y)
            fnadd = x+y
         End Function



ScriptEngine represents the details of the scripting language in use. It is also used in combination with ScriptEngineMajorVersion, ScriptEngineMinor Version, ScriptEngineBuildVersion which gives the major version of the vbscript engine, minor version the vbscript engine, and the build version of vbscript respectively.




<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim scriptdetails
         scriptdetails =  " Version " & ScriptEngine & " - "
          For getting Major version, use ScriptEngineMajorVersion 
         scriptdetails = scriptdetails &  ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "."
          For getting Minor version, use ScriptEngineMinorVersion 
         scriptdetails = scriptdetails & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "."
          For getting Build version, use ScriptEngineBuildVersion 
         scriptdetails = scriptdetails & ScriptEngineBuildVersion 
         Document.write scriptdetails


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE , the following result is displayed on the screen.

Version VBScript - 5.8.16996 


The Function IsEmpty is used to check whether or not the expression is empty. It returns a Boolean value. IsEmpty returns True if the variable is uninitiapzed or exppcitly set to Empty. Otherwise the expression returns False.




<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim var, MyCheck
         MyCheck = IsEmpty(var)  
         Document.write "Line 1 : " & MyCheck & "<br />"
         var = Null     Assign Null.
         MyCheck = IsEmpty(var) 
         Document.write "Line 2 : " & MyCheck & "<br />"
         var = Empty     Assign Empty.
         MyCheck = IsEmpty(var)
         Document.write "Line 3 : " & MyCheck & "<br />"

Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.

Line 1 : True
Line 2 : False
Line 3 : True


The Function IsNull is used to check whether or not the expression has a vapd data. It returns a Boolean value. IsNull returns True if the variable is Null otherwise the expression returns False.




<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim var, res
         res = IsNull(var)
         document.write "Line 1 : " & res & "<br />"
         var = Null
         res = IsNull(var)
         document.write "Line 2 : " & res & "<br />"
         var = Empty
         res = IsNull(var)
         document.write "Line 3 : " & res & "<br />"


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.

Line 1 : False
Line 2 : True
Line 3 : False


The IsObject Function is used to check whether or not the expression has a vapd Object. It returns a Boolean value. IsObject returns True if the expression contains an object subtype otherwise the expression returns False.




<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
        Dim fso,b
        b = 10
        set fso = createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
        x = isobject(fso)
        Document.write "Line 1 : " &  x  & "<br />" 
        y = isobject(b)
        Document.write "Line 2 : " &  y  & "<br />" 


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.

Line 1 : True
Line 2 : False


The IsNumeric Function is used to check whether or not the expression has a number subtype. It returns a boolean value. IsObject returns True if the expression contains an number subtype otherwise the expression returns False.




<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim var, chk
         var = 20
         chk = IsNumeric(var)
         Document.write "Line 1 : " &  chk  & "<br />" 
         var = "3.1415935745"   
         chk = IsNumeric(var)   
         Document.write "Line 2 : " &  chk  & "<br / >" 
         var = "20 Chapter 23.123 VBScript"   
         chk = IsNumeric(var)
         Document.write "Line 3 : " &  chk  & "<br / >" 


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE , the following result is displayed on the screen.

Line 1 : True
Line 2 : True
Line 3 : False


The TypeName Function is used to return the variant subtype information of the variable.



The Typename function can return any of the following values.

    Byte − Byte Value

    Integer − Integer Value

    Long − Long Integer Value

    Single − Single-precision floating-point Value

    Double − Double-precision floating-point Value

    Currency − Currency Value

    Decimal − Decimal Value

    Date − Date or Time Value

    String − Character string Value

    Boolean − Boolean Value

    Empty − Uninitiapzed Value

    Null − No Vapd Data

    Object − typename of Object

    Nothing − Object variable that doesn t yet refer to an object instance



<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim ArrVar(2), vartype
         NullVar = Null     Assign Null value.

         vartype = TypeName(3.1450)     
         Document.write "Line 1 : " &  vartype  & "<br />" 
         vartype = TypeName(432)         
         Document.write "Line 2 : " &  vartype  & "<br />" 
         vartype = TypeName("Microsoft")
         Document.write "Line 3 : " &  vartype  & "<br />" 
         vartype = TypeName(NullVar)   
         Document.write "Line 4 : " &  vartype  & "< br />" 
         vartype = TypeName(ArrVar)    
         Document.write "Line 5 : " &  vartype  & "<br />"


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.

Line 1 : Double
Line 2 : Integer
Line 3 : String
Line 4 : Null
Line 5 : Variant()


The Eval Function executes an expression and returns the result either as a string or a number.



The argument Expression can be a string expression or a number. If you pass to the Eval function a string that doesn t contain a numeric expression or a function name but only a simple text string, a run-time error occurs. For example, Eval("VBScript") results in an error.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Document.write Eval("10 + 10") & "<br />"
         Document.write Eval("101 = 200") & "<br />" 
         Document.write Eval("5 * 3") & "<br />" 


Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.



The Execute statement accepts argument that is a string expression containing one or more statements for execution.



In VBScript, a = b can be interpreted two ways. It can be treated as an assignment statement where the value of x is assigned to y. It can also be interpreted as an expression that tests if a and b have the same value. If they do, result is True; if they are not, result is False. The Execute statement always uses the first interpretation while the Eval statement always uses the second.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim x
         x = "Global" 
         y = "VBScript"
         Execute("x = y")
         msgbox x
         msgbox y

Save the file with .html extension upon executing the script in IE, the following result is displayed on the screen.


With..End With

The With statement allows us to perform a series of operation on a specified object without exppcitly mentioning the object name over again and again.


With (objectname)
   statement 1
   statement 2
   statement 3
   statement n
End With


Upon Executing the following script, Winword gets opened and the specified text is entered.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Msg =  "Vbscript" & vbCrLf & "Programming"
         Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Apppcation")
         objWord.Visible = True
           Objects methods are accessed without requapyfying the objects again. 
         With objWord
            .Selection.TypeText Msg
         End With


The Randomize statement initiapzes the random number generator which is helpful for the developers to generate a random number.


Randomize [number]


Upon Executing the following script, Winword gets opened and the specified text is entered.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim MyValue
         MyValue = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)     Generate random value between 1 and 100.
         MsgBox MyValue

Save the above script as HTML and upon executing the script in IE, the following output is shown.
