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Perl - Subroutines
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Perl - Subroutines

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A Perl subroutine or function is a group of statements that together performs a task. You can spanide up your code into separate subroutines. How you spanide up your code among different subroutines is up to you, but logically the spanision usually is so each function performs a specific task.

Perl uses the terms subroutine, method and function interchangeably.

Define and Call a Subroutine

The general form of a subroutine definition in Perl programming language is as follows −

sub subroutine_name {
   body of the subroutine

The typical way of calpng that Perl subroutine is as follows −

subroutine_name( pst of arguments );

In versions of Perl before 5.0, the syntax for calpng subroutines was spghtly different as shown below. This still works in the newest versions of Perl, but it is not recommended since it bypasses the subroutine prototypes.

&subroutine_name( pst of arguments );

Let s have a look into the following example, which defines a simple function and then call it. Because Perl compiles your program before executing it, it doesn t matter where you declare your subroutine.


# Function definition
sub Hello {
   print "Hello, World!

# Function call

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Hello, World!

Passing Arguments to a Subroutine

You can pass various arguments to a subroutine pke you do in any other programming language and they can be acessed inside the function using the special array @_. Thus the first argument to the function is in $_[0], the second is in $_[1], and so on.

You can pass arrays and hashes as arguments pke any scalar but passing more than one array or hash normally causes them to lose their separate identities. So we will use references ( explained in the next chapter ) to pass any array or hash.

Let s try the following example, which takes a pst of numbers and then prints their average −


# Function definition
sub Average {
   # get total number of arguments passed.
   $n = scalar(@_);
   $sum = 0;

   foreach $item (@_) {
      $sum += $item;
   $average = $sum / $n;

   print "Average for the given numbers : $average

# Function call
Average(10, 20, 30);

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Average for the given numbers : 20

Passing Lists to Subroutines

Because the @_ variable is an array, it can be used to supply psts to a subroutine. However, because of the way in which Perl accepts and parses psts and arrays, it can be difficult to extract the inspanidual elements from @_. If you have to pass a pst along with other scalar arguments, then make pst as the last argument as shown below −


# Function definition
sub PrintList {
   my @pst = @_;
   print "Given pst is @pst
$a = 10;
@b = (1, 2, 3, 4);

# Function call with pst parameter
PrintList($a, @b);

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Given pst is 10 1 2 3 4

Passing Hashes to Subroutines

When you supply a hash to a subroutine or operator that accepts a pst, then hash is automatically translated into a pst of key/value pairs. For example −


# Function definition
sub PrintHash {
   my (%hash) = @_;

   foreach my $key ( keys %hash ) {
      my $value = $hash{$key};
      print "$key : $value
%hash = ( name  =>  Tom ,  age  => 19);

# Function call with hash parameter

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

name : Tom
age : 19

Returning Value from a Subroutine

You can return a value from subroutine pke you do in any other programming language. If you are not returning a value from a subroutine then whatever calculation is last performed in a subroutine is automatically also the return value.

You can return arrays and hashes from the subroutine pke any scalar but returning more than one array or hash normally causes them to lose their separate identities. So we will use references ( explained in the next chapter ) to return any array or hash from a function.

Let s try the following example, which takes a pst of numbers and then returns their average −


# Function definition
sub Average {
   # get total number of arguments passed.
   $n = scalar(@_);
   $sum = 0;

   foreach $item (@_) {
      $sum += $item;
   $average = $sum / $n;

   return $average;

# Function call
$num = Average(10, 20, 30);
print "Average for the given numbers : $num

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Average for the given numbers : 20

Private Variables in a Subroutine

By default, all variables in Perl are global variables, which means they can be accessed from anywhere in the program. But you can create private variables called lexical variables at any time with the my operator.

The my operator confines a variable to a particular region of code in which it can be used and accessed. Outside that region, this variable cannot be used or accessed. This region is called its scope. A lexical scope is usually a block of code with a set of braces around it, such as those defining the body of the subroutine or those marking the code blocks of if, while, for, foreach, and eval statements.

Following is an example showing you how to define a single or multiple private variables using my operator −

sub somefunc {
   my $variable; # $variable is invisible outside somefunc()
   my ($another, @an_array, %a_hash); # declaring many variables at once

Let s check the following example to distinguish between global and private variables −


# Global variable
$string = "Hello, World!";

# Function definition
sub PrintHello {
   # Private variable for PrintHello function
   my $string;
   $string = "Hello, Perl!";
   print "Inside the function $string
# Function call
print "Outside the function $string

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Inside the function Hello, Perl!
Outside the function Hello, World!

Temporary Values via local()

The local is mostly used when the current value of a variable must be visible to called subroutines. A local just gives temporary values to global (meaning package) variables. This is known as dynamic scoping. Lexical scoping is done with my, which works more pke C s auto declarations.

If more than one variable or expression is given to local, they must be placed in parentheses. This operator works by saving the current values of those variables in its argument pst on a hidden stack and restoring them upon exiting the block, subroutine, or eval.

Let s check the following example to distinguish between global and local variables −


# Global variable
$string = "Hello, World!";

sub PrintHello {
   # Private variable for PrintHello function
   local $string;
   $string = "Hello, Perl!";
   print "Inside the function PrintHello $string
sub PrintMe {
   print "Inside the function PrintMe $string

# Function call
print "Outside the function $string

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Inside the function PrintMe Hello, Perl!
Inside the function PrintHello Hello, Perl!
Outside the function Hello, World!

State Variables via state()

There are another type of lexical variables, which are similar to private variables but they maintain their state and they do not get reinitiapzed upon multiple calls of the subroutines. These variables are defined using the state operator and available starting from Perl 5.9.4.

Let s check the following example to demonstrate the use of state variables −


use feature  state ;

sub PrintCount {
   state $count = 0; # initial value

   print "Value of counter is $count

for (1..5) {

When above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Value of counter is 0
Value of counter is 1
Value of counter is 2
Value of counter is 3
Value of counter is 4

Prior to Perl 5.10, you would have to write it pke this −


   my $count = 0; # initial value

   sub PrintCount {
      print "Value of counter is $count

for (1..5) {

Subroutine Call Context

The context of a subroutine or statement is defined as the type of return value that is expected. This allows you to use a single function that returns different values based on what the user is expecting to receive. For example, the following localtime() returns a string when it is called in scalar context, but it returns a pst when it is called in pst context.

my $datestring = localtime( time );

In this example, the value of $timestr is now a string made up of the current date and time, for example, Thu Nov 30 15:21:33 2000. Conversely −

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon, $year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

Now the inspanidual variables contain the corresponding values returned by localtime() subroutine.
