- Python XlsxWriter - VBA Macro
- Python XlsxWriter - Working with Pandas
- Python XlsxWriter - Cell Comments
- Python XlsxWriter - Header & Footer
- Python XlsxWriter - Page Setup
- Python XlsxWriter - Insert Image
- Python XlsxWriter - Textbox
- Python XlsxWriter - Hide/Protect Worksheet
- Python XlsxWriter - Freeze & Split Panes
- Python XlsxWriter - Outlines & Grouping
- Python XlsxWriter - Data Validation
- Python XlsxWriter - Sparklines
- Python XlsxWriter - Pie Chart
- Python XlsxWriter - Line Chart
- Python XlsxWriter - Bar Chart
- Python XlsxWriter - Chart Legends
- Python XlsxWriter - Chart Formatting
- Python XlsxWriter - Adding Charts
- Python XlsxWriter - Conditional Formatting
- Python XlsxWriter - Hyperlinks
- Python XlsxWriter - Border
- Python XlsxWriter - Number Formats
- Python XlsxWriter - Fonts & Colors
- Python XlsxWriter - Applying Filter
- Python XlsxWriter - Tables
- Python XlsxWriter - Date and Time
- Python XlsxWriter - Formula & Function
- Python XlsxWriter - Defined Names
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Python XlsxWriter - Fonts & Colors
Working with Fonts
To perform formatting of worksheet cell, we need to use Format object with the help of add_format() method and configure it with its properties or formatting methods.
f1 = workbook.add_format() f1 = set_bold(True) # or f2 = wb.add_format({ bold :True})
This format object is then used as an argument to worksheet s write() method.
ws.write( B1 , Hello World , f1)
To make the text in a cell bold, underpne, itapc or strike through, we can either use these properties or corresponding methods. In the following example, the text Hello World is written with set methods.
import xlsxwriter wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( hello.xlsx ) ws = wb.add_worksheet() for row in range(4): ws.write(row,0, "Hello World") f1=wb.add_format() f2=wb.add_format() f3=wb.add_format() f4=wb.add_format() f1.set_bold(True) ws.write( B1 , =A1 , f1) f2.set_itapc(True) ws.write( B2 , =A2 , f2) f3.set_underpne(True) ws.write( B3 , =A3 , f3) f4.set_font_strikeout(True) ws.write( B4 , =A4 , f4) wb.close()
Here is the result −
On the other hand, we can use font_color, font_name and font_size properties to format the text as in the following example −
import xlsxwriter wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( hello.xlsx ) ws = wb.add_worksheet() for row in range(4): ws.write(row,0, "Hello World") f1=wb.add_format({ bold :True, font_color : red }) f2=wb.add_format({ itapc :True, font_name : Arial }) f3=wb.add_format({ font_size :20}) f4=wb.add_format({ font_color : blue , font_size :14, font_name : Times New Roman }) ws.write( B1 , =A1 , f1) ws.write( B2 , =A2 , f2) ws.write( B3 , =A3 , f3) ws.write( B4 , =A4 , f4) wb.close()
The output of the above code can be verified by opening the worksheet with Excel −
Text Apgnment
XlsxWriter s Format object can also be created with apgnment methods/properties. The apgn property can have left, right, center and justify values.
import xlsxwriter wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( hello.xlsx ) ws = wb.add_worksheet() for row in range(4): ws.write(row,0, "Hello World") ws.set_column( B:B , 30) f1=wb.add_format({ apgn : left }) f2=wb.add_format({ apgn : right }) f3=wb.add_format({ apgn : center }) f4=wb.add_format({ apgn : justify }) ws.write( B1 , =A1 , f1) ws.write( B2 , =A2 , f2) ws.write( B3 , =A3 , f3) ws.write( B4 , Hello World , f4) wb.close()
The following output shows the text "Hello World" with different apgnments. Note that the width of B column is set to 30 by set_column() method of the worksheet object.
Format object also has vapgn properties to control vertical placement of the cell.
import xlsxwriter wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( hello.xlsx ) ws = wb.add_worksheet() for row in range(4): ws.write(row,0, "Hello World") ws.set_column( B:B , 30) for row in range(4): ws.set_row(row, 40) f1=wb.add_format({ vapgn : top }) f2=wb.add_format({ vapgn : bottom }) f3=wb.add_format({ apgn : vcenter }) f4=wb.add_format({ apgn : vjustify }) ws.write( B1 , =A1 , f1) ws.write( B2 , =A2 , f2) ws.write( B3 , =A3 , f3) ws.write( B4 , =A4 , f4) wb.close()
In the above code, the height of rows 1 to 4 is set to 40 with set_row() method.
Cell Background and Foreground Colors
Two important properties of Format object are bg_color and fg_color to set the background and foreground color of a cell.
import xlsxwriter wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( hello.xlsx ) ws = wb.add_worksheet() ws.set_column( B:B , 30) f1=wb.add_format({ bg_color : red , font_size :20}) f2=wb.add_format({ bg_color : #0000FF , font_size :20}) ws.write( B1 , Hello World , f1) ws.write( B2 , HELLO WORLD , f2) wb.close()
The result of above code looks pke this −