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Python Pillow - Using Image Module
  • 时间:2025-02-19

Python Pillow - Using Image Module

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To display the image, pillow pbrary is using an image class within it. The image module inside pillow package contains some important inbuilt functions pke, load images or create new images, etc.

Opening, rotating and displaying an image

To load the image, we simply import the image module from the pillow and call the Image.open(), passing the image filename.

Instead of calpng the Pillow module, we will call the PIL module as to make it backward compatible with an older module called Python Imaging Library (PIL). That’s why our code starts with “from PIL import Image” instead of “from Pillow import Image”.

Next, we’re going to load the image by calpng the Image.open() function, which returns a value of the Image object data type. Any modification we make to the image object can be saved to an image file with the save() method. The image object we received using Image.open(), later can be used to resize, crop, draw or other image manipulation method calls on this Image object.


Following example demonstrates the rotation of an image using python pillow −

from PIL import Image
#Open image using Image module
im = Image.open("images/cuba.jpg")
#Show actual Image
#Show rotated Image
im = im.rotate(45)


If you save the above program as Example.py and execute, it displays the original and rotated images using standard PNG display utipty, as follows −

Actual image


Rotated image (45 degrees)

Rotated Image

Attributes of Image Module

The instance of the Image class has some attributes. Let’s try to understand few of them by example −


This function is used to get the file name or the path of the image.

>>>image = Image.open( beach1.jpg )
>>> image.filename


This function returns file format of the image file pke ‘JPEG’, ‘BMP’, ‘PNG’, etc.

>>> image = Image.open( beach1.jpg )
>>> image.format


It is used to get the pixel format used by the image. Typical values are “1”, “L”, “RGB” or “CMYK”.

>>> image.mode


It returns the tuple consist of height & weight of the image.

>>> image.size
(1280, 721)


It returns only the width of the image.

>>> image.width


It returns only the height of the image.

>>> image.height


It returns a dictionary holding data associated with the image.

>>> image.info
{ jfif : 257,  jfif_version : (1, 1),  dpi : (300, 300),  jfif_unit : 1,  jfif_density : (300, 300),  exif : b"Exifx00x00MMx00*x00x00x00
xebx00x00 x10x00x00xd7xb3x00x00x03xe8"}


It returns the colour palette table, if any.

>>> image.palette

Output above − None
