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Python MongoDB - Insert Document
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Python MongoDB - Insert Document

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You can store documents into MongoDB using the insert() method. This method accepts a JSON document as a parameter.


Following is the syntax of the insert method.



> use mydb
switched to db mydb
> db.createCollection("sample")
{ "ok" : 1 }
> doc1 = {"name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"}
{ "name" : "Ram", "age" : "26", "city" : "Hyderabad" }
> db.sample.insert(doc1)
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

Similarly, you can also insert multiple documents using the insert() method.

> use testDB
switched to db testDB
> db.createCollection("sample")
{ "ok" : 1 }
> data = [
   {"_id": "1001", "name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"}, 
   {"_id": "1002", "name" : "Rahim", "age" : 27, "city" : "Bangalore" }, 
   {"_id": "1003", "name" : "Robert", "age" : 28, "city" : "Mumbai" }
   {"_id" : "1001", "name" : "Ram", "age" : "26", "city" : "Hyderabad"},
   {"_id" : "1002", "name" : "Rahim", "age" : 27, "city" : "Bangalore"},
   {"_id" : "1003", "name" : "Robert", "age" : 28, "city" : "Mumbai"}
> db.sample.insert(data)
   "writeErrors" : [ ],
   "writeConcernErrors" : [ ],
   "nInserted" : 3,
   "nUpserted" : 0,
   "nMatched" : 0,
   "nModified" : 0,
   "nRemoved" : 0,
   "upserted" : [ ]

Creating a Collection Using Python

Pymongo provides a method named insert_one() to insert a document in MangoDB. To this method, we need to pass the document in dictionary format.


Following example inserts a document in the collection named example.

from pymongo import MongoCpent

#Creating a pymongo cpent
cpent = MongoCpent( localhost , 27017)

#Getting the database instance
db = cpent[ mydb ]

#Creating a collection
coll = db[ example ]

#Inserting document into a collection
doc1 = {"name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"}


{ _id : ObjectId( 5d63ad6ce043e2a93885858b ),  name :  Ram ,  age :  26 ,  city :  Hyderabad }

To insert multiple documents into MongoDB using pymongo, you need to invoke the insert_many() method.

from pymongo import MongoCpent

#Creating a pymongo cpent
cpent = MongoCpent( localhost , 27017)

#Getting the database instance
db = cpent[ mydb ]

#Creating a collection
coll = db[ example ]

#Inserting document into a collection
data = [
   {"_id": "101", "name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"},
   {"_id": "102", "name": "Rahim", "age": "27", "city": "Bangalore"},
   {"_id": "103", "name": "Robert", "age": "28", "city": "Mumbai"}
res = coll.insert_many(data)
print("Data inserted ......")


Data inserted ......
[ 101 ,  102 ,  103 ]