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- Python SQLite - Cursor Object
- Python SQLite - Join
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- Python SQLite - Delete Data
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- Python SQLite - Order By
- Python SQLite - Where Clause
- Python SQLite - Select Data
- Python SQLite - Insert Data
- Python SQLite - Create Table
- Python SQLite - Establishing Connection
- Python SQLite - Introduction
- Python PostgreSQL - Cursor Object
- Python PostgreSQL - Join
- Python PostgreSQL - Limit
- Python PostgreSQL - Drop Table
- Python PostgreSQL - Delete Data
- Python PostgreSQL - Update Table
- Python PostgreSQL - Order By
- Python PostgreSQL - Where Clause
- Python PostgreSQL - Select Data
- Python PostgreSQL - Insert Data
- Python PostgreSQL - Create Table
- Python PostgreSQL - Create Database
- Python PostgreSQL - Database Connection
- Python PostgreSQL - Introduction
- Python MySQL - Cursor Object
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Python PostgreSQL - Create Database
You can create a database in PostgreSQL using the CREATE DATABASE statement. You can execute this statement in PostgreSQL shell prompt by specifying the name of the database to be created after the command.
Following is the syntax of the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Following statement creates a database named testdb in PostgreSQL.
You can pst out the database in PostgreSQL using the l command. If you verify the pst of databases, you can find the newly created database as follows −
postgres=# l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | -----------+----------+----------+----------------------------+-------------+ mydb | postgres | UTF8 | Engpsh_United States.1252 | ........... | postgres | postgres | UTF8 | Engpsh_United States.1252 | ........... | template0 | postgres | UTF8 | Engpsh_United States.1252 | ........... | template1 | postgres | UTF8 | Engpsh_United States.1252 | ........... | testdb | postgres | UTF8 | Engpsh_United States.1252 | ........... | (5 rows)
You can also create a database in PostgreSQL from command prompt using the command createdb, a wrapper around the SQL statement CREATE DATABASE.
C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11in> createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres sampledb Password:
Creating a database using python
The cursor class of psycopg2 provides various methods execute various PostgreSQL commands, fetch records and copy data. You can create a cursor object using the cursor() method of the Connection class.
The execute() method of this class accepts a PostgreSQL query as a parameter and executes it.
Therefore, to create a database in PostgreSQL, execute the CREATE DATABASE query using this method.
Following python example creates a database named mydb in PostgreSQL database.
import psycopg2 #estabpshing the connection conn = psycopg2.connect( database="postgres", user= postgres , password= password , host= , port= 5432 ) conn.autocommit = True #Creating a cursor object using the cursor() method cursor = conn.cursor() #Preparing query to create a database sql = CREATE database mydb ; #Creating a database cursor.execute(sql) print("Database created successfully........") #Closing the connection conn.close()
Database created successfully........Advertisements