Pycharm Tutorial
Pycharm Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Pycharm - Flask
- Pycharm - Pyramid
- Pycharm - Django
- Pycharm - Web Frameworks
- Pycharm - Exporting Data
- Pycharm - Database Tools
- Pycharm - Tips
- Pycharm - JavaScript Support
- Pycharm - HTML & CSS Integration
- Pycharm - Integration of Version Control
- Pycharm - Debugging & Breakpoints
- Pycharm - Interpreters
- Pycharm - Console
- Pycharm - Improving & Writing Code
- Pycharm - Micros
- Pycharm - Macros
- Pycharm - Omni
- Pycharm - Shortcuts
- Pycharm - Keymaps
- Pycharm - Understanding Basics
- Pycharm - Installation
- Pycharm - Introduction
- Pycharm - Home
Pycharm Useful Resources
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- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Pycharm - Django
Pycharm - Django
One of the features of PyCharm is that it includes a support for Django. With the abipty of including JavaScript features within PyCharm, it can be considered as the best IDE for Django.
The basic steps for creating a Django project in PyCharm IDE are given below −
![Pycharm Ide](/pycharm/images/pycharm_ide.jpg)
If the EnableDjangoadmin option is enabled, PyCharm will setup the admin site for you.
Template Debugging
Debugging works with Django and Jinja templates. We can inspect variables, step through code, and do what we expect in a debugger.
![Template Debugging](/pycharm/images/template_debugging.jpg)