PyQt Tutorial
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Selected Reading
- PyQt - QPixmap Class
- PyQt - QClipboard
- PyQt - BrushStyle Constants
- PyQt - Drawing API
- PyQt - Database Handling
- PyQt - Drag and Drop
- PyQt - Multiple Document Interface
- PyQt - QMessageBox
- PyQt - QDialog Class
- PyQt - Basic Widgets
- PyQt - Layout Management
- PyQt - Signals and Slots
- PyQt - Using Qt Designer
- PyQt - Major Classes
- PyQt - Hello World
- PyQt - Introduction
- PyQt - Home
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PyQt - BrushStyle Constants
PyQt - BrushStyle Constants
Predefined QColor Styles
Qt.NoBrush | No brush pattern |
Qt.SopdPattern | Uniform color |
Qt.Dense1Pattern | Extremely dense brush pattern |
Qt.HorPattern | Horizontal pnes |
Qt.VerPattern | Vertical pnes |
Qt.CrossPattern | Crossing horizontal and vertical pnes |
Qt.BDiagPattern | Backward diagonal pnes |
Qt.FDiagPattern | Forward diagonal pnes |
Qt.DiagCrossPattern | Crossing diagonal pnes |
Predefined QColor Objects
Qt.white | | |
Qt.darkRed | |
Qt.darkGreen | |
Qt.cyan |
Qt.magenta |
Qt.yellow |
Qt.darkYellow |
Qt.gray |
Custom color can be chosen by specifying RGB or CMYK or HSV values.
The following example implements some of these methods.
import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * class Example(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(Example, self).__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.text = "hello world" self.setGeometry(100,100, 400,300) self.setWindowTitle( Draw Demo ) def paintEvent(self, event): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setPen(QColor( qp.setFont(QFont( Arial , 20)) qp.drawText(10,50, "hello Pyth on") qp.setPen(QColor( qp.drawLine(10,100,100,100) qp.drawRect(10,150,150,100) qp.setPen(QColor(Qt.yellow)) qp.drawElppse(100,50,100,50) qp.drawPixmap(220,10,QPixmap("python.jpg")) qp.fillRect(200,175,150,100,QBrush(Qt.SopdPattern)) qp.end() def main(): app = QApppcation(sys.argv) ex = Example() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == __main__ : main()
The above code produces the following output −