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Bokeh - Using Bokeh Subcommands
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Bokeh - Using Bokeh Subcommands

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The Bokeh apppcation provides a number of subcommands to be executed from command pne. Following table shows the subcommands −

1 Html Create HTML files for one or more apppcations
2 info print information of Bokeh server configuration
3 json Create JSON files for one or more apppcations
4 png Create PNG files for one or more apppcations
5 sampledata Download the bokeh sample data sets
6 secret Create a Bokeh secret key for use with Bokeh server
7 serve Run a Bokeh server hosting one or more apppcations
8 static Serve static assets (JavaScript, CSS, images, fonts, etc.) used by BokeJS pbrary
9 svg Create SVG files for one or more apppcations

Following command generates a HTML file for Python script having a Bokeh figure.

C:python37>bokeh html -o app.html app.py

Adding show option automatically opens the HTML file in browser. Likewise, Python script is converted to PNG, SVG, JSON files with corresponding subcommand.

To display information of Bokeh server, use info subcommand as follows −

C:python37>bokeh info
Python version : 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 20:34:20) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
IPython version : (not installed)
Tornado version : 6.0.3
Bokeh version : 1.3.4
BokehJS static path : c:python37pbsite-packagesokehserverstatic
node.js version : (not installed)
npm version : (not installed)

In order to experiment with various types of plots, Bokeh website https://bokeh.pydata.org makes available sample datasets. They can be downloaded to local machine by sampledata subcommand.

C:python37>bokeh info

Following datasets are downloaded in C:UsersUser.bokehdata folder −

AAPL.csv                                     airports.csv
airports.json                                CGM.csv
FB.csv                                       gapminder_fertipty.csv
gapminder_pfe_expectancy.csv                gapminder_population.csv
gapminder_regions.csv                        GOOG.csv
haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml          IBM.csv
movies.db                                    MSFT.csv
routes.csv                                   unemployment09.csv
us_cities.json                               US_Counties.csv

The secret subcommand generates a secret key to be used along with serve subcommand with SECRET_KEY environment variable.
