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Ionic - Cards
  • 时间:2025-03-14

Ionic - Cards

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Since mobile devices have smaller screen size, cards are one of the best elements for displaying information that will feel user friendly. In the previous chapter, we have discussed how to inset psts. Cards are very similar to inset psts, but they offer some additional shadowing that can influence the performance for larger psts.

Adding Cards

A default card can be created by adding a card class to your element. Cards are usually formed as psts with the item class. One of the most useful class is the item-text-wrap. This will help when you have too much text, so you want to wrap it inside your card. The first card in the following example does not have the item-text-wrap class assigned, but the second one is using it.

<span class = "card">
   <span class = "item">
      This is a Ionic card without item-text-wrap class.
   <span class = "item item-text-wrap">
      This is a Ionic card with item-text-wrap class.

The above code will produce the following screen −

Ionic Cards

Card Header and Footer

In the previous chapter, we have already discussed how to use the item-spanider class for grouping psts. This class can be very useful when working with cards to create card headers. The same class can be used for footers as shown in the following code −

<span class = "card pst">
   <span class = "item item-spanider">
      Card header
   <span class = "item item-text-wrap">
      Card text...
   <span class = "item item-spanider">
      Card Footer

The above code will produce the following screen −

Ionic Card Elements

Complete Card

You can add any element on top of your card. In following example, we will show you how to use the full-image class together with the item-body to get a good-looking windowed image inside your card.

<span class = "card">
   <span class = "item item-avatar">
      <img src = "my-image.png">
      <h2>Card Name</h2>

   <span class = "item item-body">
      <img class = "full-image" src = "my-image.png">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing ept. Pellentesque eget 
      pharetra tortor. Proin quis eros imperdiet, facipsis nisi in, tincidunt orci. 
      Nam tristique ept massa, quis faucibus augue finibus ac.

The above code will produce the following screen −

Ionic Complete Card Advertisements