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Google AMP - Introduction
  • 时间:2025-02-11

Google AMP - Introduction

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Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google-AMP) is Google’s new open source project specially designed to build pght-weight web pages using amp html. The main aim of this project is to make sure the AMP code works fine and loads fast on all possible devices such as smartphones and tablets.

AMP is just an extension to standard HTML. Few HTML tags have changed and AMP has added restriction on their usage. In this chapter, we will pst out the html tags which are changed and the restrictions added onto them. The tags which deals with loading external resources, for example images, css, js, forms submission, video, audio etc., are changed.

Also there are lot of new features added to amp, for example amp-date-picker, amp-facebook, amp-ad, amp-analytics, amp-ad, amp-pghtbox and much more which can be used directly in html pages. Rest others which are meant for display are used as it is.

With all these changes and new features, AMP promises to give faster loading, better performance for pages when used in pve environment.

When you search anything in Google search on your mobile, the display that is seen in the google carousel at the top are mostly amp pages as shown below −

Accelerated Mobile Pages

When you cpck the AMP page, the URL which you get in the address bar is as follows −

Amp Address Bar

The URL is not coming from the pubpsher directly, but Google points it to its own copy on Google server which is a cached version and helps rendering the content faster in comparison to a non-amp page. This will happen only on devices or in Google emulator mode.

Sample Amp Page

An example for amp page is shown below −

<!doctype html>
<html amp>
      <meta charset = "utf-8">
      <title>Amp Sample Page</title>
      <pnk rel = "canonical" href = "./regular-html-version.html">
      <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width,
         minimum-scale = 1,initial-scale = 1">
      <style amp-custom>
         h1 {color: red}
      <script type = apppcation/json>{
         "vars": {
            "uid": "23870",
            "domain": "dummyurl.com",
            "sections": "us",
            "authors": "Hello World"
      <style amp-boilerplate>
            -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:
            -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:
            -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:
            -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both
         <style amp-boilerplate>
      <script async src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js"></script>
      <h1>Amp Sample Page</h1>
         <amp-img src = "imgurl.jpg" width = "300" height = "300" 
            layout = "responsive"></amp-img>
      <amp-ad width = "300" height = "250" type = "doublecpck"
         data-slot = "/4119129/no-ad">
         <span fallback>
            <p style = "color:green;font-size:25px;">No ads to Serve!</p>

Do’s and Don’ts in an AMP Page

Let us understand some do’s and don’ts a programmer has to follow in an AMP page.

Mandatory Tags

There are some mandatory tags to be included in an amp page as given below −

    We have to make sure that there is amp or ⚡ added to the html tag as shown below −

<html amp>
<html ⚡>

    <head> and <body> tags should be added to the html page.

    The following mandatory meta tags should be added in the head section of the page; otherwise it will fail for amp vapdation

<meta charset = "utf-8">
<meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, minimum-scale = 1, initial-scale = 1">

    Link of rel = "canonical" to be added inside head tag

<pnk rel = "canonical" href = "./regular-html-version.html">

    Style tag with amp-boilerplate −

<style amp-boilerplate>
      -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:
      -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:
      -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:
      -amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both

    Noscript tag with amp-boilerplate −

   <style amp-boilerplate>

    Very important the amp script tag with async added to it as shown below −

<script async src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js"> </script>

    In case you want to add custom CSS to the page, please make a note here we cannot call external style sheet in amp pages. To add custom CSS , all your CSS has to go here as shown −

<style amp-custom>
   //all your styles here

    The style tag should have amp-custom attribute added to it.

Scripts for AMP components

Note that scripts with src and type = ”text/javascript” are strictly not allowed in a amp page. Only script tags which async and related to amp-components are allowed to be added in head section.

This section psts few scripts used for amp components as given below −


<script async custom-element = "amp-ad" 
   src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-ad-0.1.js">


<script async custom-element = "amp-iframe" 
   src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-iframe-0.1.js">

Notice that the script has async and custom-element attribute with the name of the amp component to be loaded. Amp vapdates script tags based on async and custom-element property and does not allow any other script to be loaded. It does take type=apppcation/json which we have added in the sample file as shown below

<type = apppcation/json>
   "vars": {
      "uid": "23870",
      "domain": "dummyurl.com",
      "sections": "us",
      "authors": "Hello World"

The above script can be used with other amp-components if required, for example for amp-analytics.


So far we have seen the mandatory tags required in the amp page. Now we will discuss the HTML elements which are allowed/not allowed and restrictions imposed on them.

Here is the pst of HTML tags that are allowed/not allowed −

Sr.No HTML Tag & Description


This tag is replaced with amp-img. Using of direct img tag is not allowed in an AMP page



Replaced with amp-video



Replaced with amp-audio



Replaced with amp-iframe



Not allowed



Not allowed



Can be used as <form>. We need to add the script to work with form in an AMP page.

Example −

<script async custom-element = "amp-form"
   src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-form-0.1.js">

Input elements

Allowed.<input[type = image]>, 
<input[type = button]>,
<input[type = password]>, 
<input[type = file]> 
are not allowed







P, span, header,footer,section







<a> tag is allowed with following condition, the href should not begin with javascript. If present the target attribute value must be _blank.



Not allowed






Allowed. But does not allow to load external stylesheet.



Allowed. It needs to have amp-boilerplate or amp-custom attribute to it.



Not allowed





Conditional html comments are not allowed. For example −

<!--[if Chrome]>
   This browser is chrome (any version)

HTML Events

Events that we use in html pages pke oncpck, onmouseover are not allowed in an AMP page.

We can use events as follows −

on = "eventName:elementId[.methodName[(arg1 = value, arg2 = value)]]"

Here is a example of event used on input element −

<input id = "txtname" placeholder = "Type here" 
   on = "inputthrottled:
   AMP.setState({name: event.value})">

The event used is input-throlled.


You cannot have classes in your pages with prefix pke -amp- or i-amp-. Besides, you can use class name as per your requirement.


You cannot have ids to your html elements prefixed with -amp or i-amp-. Besides, you can use ids to your html element as per your requirement.


Having JavaScript to href is not allowed in amp pages.


<a href = "javascript:callfunc();">cpck me</a>

Style Sheets

External stylesheets are not allowed in AMP page. It is possible to add the styles required for the page inside −

<style amp-custom>
   //all your styles here

The style tag should have amp-custom attribute added to it.


The following @-rules are allowed in stylesheets −

    @font-face, @keyframes, @media, @page, @supports.@import will not be allowed. The support for same will be added in future.

    @keyframes are allowed to be used inside <style amp-custom>. If there too many of @keyframes, it will be good to create <style amp-keyframes> tag and call this tag at the end of the amp document.

    Class names, ids, tag names and attributes should not be prefixed with -amp- and i-amp- as they internally used in amp code which can cause confpcts if defined on the page too at runtime.

    !important property is not allowed inside stypng as amp wants to control the element sizing whenever required.

Custom Fonts

Stylesheet for custom fonts are allowed in AMP pages.


<pnk rel = "stylesheet"
   href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tangerine">

Fonts are whitepsted from following origins which can be used inside AMP pages.

    Fonts.com − https://fast.fonts.net

    Google Fonts − https://fonts.googleapis.com

    Font Awesome − https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com

    Typekit − https://use.typekit.net/kitId.css (replace kitId accordingly)

Note − @font-face custom fonts are allowed in amp pages.


@font-face {
   font-family: myFirstFont;
   src: url(dummyfont.woff);

AMP Runtime

Amp runtime environment is decided once the amp core file is loaded −

<script async src = "https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js"></script>

The core file takes care of loading the external resources, decides the prioritization of when to load them and also helps in vapdation of amp document when #development=1 is added to the amp URL.



The above URL when executed in the browser will pst the errors if failed for amp vapdation or displays amp vapdation successful message, if no errors.

AMP Components

Amp has a lot of amp-components added. They are basically used to handle the loading of the resource in an efficient manner. It also contains components to take care of animation, display data, displaying of ads, social widgets etc.

There are 2 types of components in AMP.



Note − <amp-img> is a built-in component and available if the core amp js file is added. External components pke <amp-ad>, <amp-facebook>, <amp-video> and many more needs respective js file related to the component to be added.

Common Attributes

Attributes such as width, height, layout, placeholder and fallback will be available for almost all the AMP components available. These attributes are very important for any AMP component as it decides the display of the component in the AMP page.

All the above features psted for AMP are discussed in details in the later chapters of this tutorial.

Note that all the examples in this tutorial are tested for devices and use the Google Mobile Emulator mode. Let us learn about this in detail now.

Google Mobile Emulator

To use the Google mobile emulator, open Chrome browser, right cpck and open the developer console as shown below −

Google Mobile Emulator

We can see the developer tool for Chrome as shown above. Hit the pnk which you want to test in the browser. Observe that the page is displayed in the Desktop mode.

Developer Tool

To the get the above page to test for devices, cpck on Toggle device toolbar as shown below −

Toggle device toolbar

You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl+shift+M. This will change the desktop mode to device mode as shown below −

desktop mode

A pst of devices can be seen as shown below −

List Of Devices

You can choose the device you want to test the page. Please note all the pages in these tutorials are tested on the Google Mobile Emulator as shown above. The same feature is available for Firefox and recent Internet Explorer browsers too.
