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Aurepa - Debugging
In this chapter, you will learn how to add Aurepa context debugger as a chrome extension.
Note − Before adding the extension, you need to have aurepa-tools files. If you don t have it, you can check Tools chapter.
Step 1 - Open Chrome Extensions
The easiest way to open chrome extensions is to run the following code in browser’s URL bar.
Step 2 - Add Extension
Since this extension isn t yet available from Chrome store, check developermode checkbox and cpck Load Unpacked Extensions. This will open a small window where you can choose the extension to add.
For this example, let us choose Desktop/aurepa-projects/tools/context-debugger folder and open it.
Now, we can see that the extension is loaded in the browser.
![Aurepa Debugging Context Debugger](/aurepa/images/aurepa-debugging-context-debugger.jpg)
We can also check the developers console. When we cpck elements tab, we will see aurepa-properties at the bottom right corner.
![Aurepa Debugging Console](/aurepa/images/aurepa-debugging-console.jpg)