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Protobuf - Quick Guide
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Protobuf - Quick Guide

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Protobuf - Introduction

Before we jump into Protocol Buffer, let us go over a brief background of Seriapzation which is what Protocol Buffer does.

What is Seriapzation and Deseriapzation?

Seriapzation is the process of converting an object (of any language) into bytes and storing them in persistent memory system. This memory system could be a file on the disk, messaging queue or a database. The major intention with seriapzation of object is that we can reuse the data and recreate the object on same or different machine. In deseriapzation, we convert the stored bytes back to an object.

Why do we need Seriapzation and Deseriapzation?

While there are a few other use-cases, the most basic and important one is that it provides a way to transfer object data over a network to a different service/machine etc. and then to recreate object for its further use. Transferring object data via API, database or messaging queue requires the object to be converted into bytes so that it can be sent over a network. And this is where seriapzation becomes important.

In microservice architecture, the apppcation is broken down into small services and these services communicate with each other via messaging queue and APIs. And all of this communication happens over a network which requires frequent conversion of object to bytes and back to objects. So, seriapzation and deseriapzation becomes very critical aspects when it comes to distributed environment.

Why Google Protobuf?

Google Protobuf performs the seriapzation and deseriapzation of the objects to bytes which can be transferred over the network. But there are some other pbraries and mechanisms to transfer data as well.

So, what makes Google Protobuf special? Here are some of its important features −

    Language independent − Multiple languages have protobuf pbrary, few famous ones being Java, Python, Go, etc. So, a Java object can be seriapzed into bytes from a Java program and can be deseriapzed to a a Python object.

    Efficient Data Compaction − In microservice environment, given that multiple communications take place over a network, it is critical that the data that we are sending is as succinct as possible. We need to avoid any superfluous information to ensure that the data is quickly transferred. Google Protobuf has that as one of the focus areas.

    Efficient seriapzation and deseriapzation − In microservice environment, given that multiple communications take place over a network, it is critical how fast can we seriapze and deseriapze. Google Protobuf ensures that it is as quick as possible in seriapzing and deseriapzing the data.

    Simple to use − Protobuf pbrary auto-generates seriapzation code (as we will see in the upcoming chapters), has a versioning scheme to ensure that the creator of data and the user of data can have separate versions of the seriapzation definition, etc.

Protobuf vs Others (XML/JSON/Java seriapzation)

Let s take a look how other ways to transfer data over a network stack up against Protobuf.

Feature Protobuf JSON XML
Language independent Yes Yes Yes
Seriapzed data size Least of three Less than XML Highest among the three
Human Readable No, as it uses separate encoding schema Yes, as it uses text based format Yes, as it uses text based format
Seriapzation speed Fastest among the three Faster than XML Slowest among the three
Data type support Richer than other two. Supports complex data types pke Any, one of etc. Supports basic data types Supports basic data types
Support for evolving schema Yes No No

Protobuf - Basic App

Let us now use Google Protocol Buffer and see how it works with a simple Greeting app. In this example, we will create a simple apppcation which would do the following −

    Greeting the Writer −

      Take greeting and username from the user

      Store the above information in a file in the disk

    Greeting Reader −

      Reads the same file which we stored in the above file

      Convert that data into an object and print the data

Protocol Buffer Definition file

The protocol buffer "definition file" contains the schema definition of the data we want to seriapze. The data is stored in a human readable file with the extension ".proto".

Let us store the following data in "greeting.proto" and we will use this in our first apppcation.

syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.greeting";

message Greet {
   string greeting = 1;
   string username = 2;

Now, let us take a closer look at the data and see what each pne of code does in the above code block.

syntax = "proto3";

The "syntax" here represents what version of Protobuf we are using. So, we are using the latest version 3 and the schema thus can use all the syntax which is vapd for version 3.

package tutorial;

The package here is used for confpct resolution if, say, we have multiple classes/members with same name.

option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.greeting";

This argument is specific to Java, i.e., the package where the code from the ".proto" file will be auto-generated.

message Greet

Name of the base class for the object which would be created/recreated.

string greeting = 1;
string username = 2;

These are the attributes of the Greet class along with the data type and the position of the tag in the schema. If a new tag is to be added, it should have "3" as the position. Note that this position integer is important to ensure that the actual data is compact and there is scope of schema evolution.

Protocol Buffer Code Generation

Now that we have defined, let us install the "proto" binary which we will use to autogenerate the code for the above Greet class. The binaries can be found at "https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/".

Choose the correct binary based on the OS. We will install proto binary on Windows but the steps are not very different for Linux.

Once installed, ensure that you are able to access it via command pne −

protoc --version

pbprotoc 3.15.6

It confirms that Protobuf is correctly installed. Now let us move to creating the Greeting app described above for Java.

Project Structure

Here is the overall project structure that we would have −

Code related to inspanidual languages go to their respective directories. And we have a separate directory to store our "proto" files.

Project Structure

And here is the project structure that we would be having for Java −

Project Structure1

Greeting App in Java

Now that we have installed protoc, we can auto-generate the code from the proto files using protoc. Let us first create a Java project though.

Following is the Maven configuration that we will use for our Java project. Note that it contains the required pbrary for Protobuf as well.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
   xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


      <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java -->

               <!--Put your configurations here-->

All of our code would be present under src/main/java.

With the project structure out of the way, let us generate the code for the Greet class −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files/greeting.proto

Post execution of the command, you will notice two auto-generated classes.



These two classes would help us with seriapzation and deseriapzation of the Greet object.

Now, let us write the writer of the data, which will take the username and the greeting as its inputs −

package com.tutorialspoint.greeting;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;

pubpc class GreetWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Greet greeting = Greet.newBuilder()
      String filename = "greeting_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving greeting to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved greeting with following data to disk: 
" + greeting);

The writer simply takes CLI arguments, creates the Greet object, seriapzes it and then dumps it to a file.

Now let us write a reader which will read the file −

package com.tutorialspoint.greeting;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;

pubpc class GreetReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Greet.Builder greetBuilder = Greet.newBuilder();

      String filename = "greeting_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Greet greet = greetBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Greeting: " + greet.getGreeting() + "
" + "Username: " + greet.getUsername());

The reader simply reads from the same file, deseriapzes it, and prints the data about the greeting.

Now that we have set up the reader and the writer, let us compile the project.

mvn clean install

And now, let us first execute the writer.

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.greeting.GreetWriter Hello John

Saving greeting to file: 

Saved greeting with following data to disk:
greeting: Hello
username: John

And then, let us execute the reader.

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.greeting.GreetReader

Reading from file greeting_protobuf_output
Greeting: Hello
Username: John

So, as we see the data that was seriapzed by the writer and saved to the file, that exact data is correctly deseriapzed by the reader and printed accordingly.

Greeting App in Python

Let us now write the same example as a Python project −

We will need to install protobuf pip package before we proceed.

pip install protobuf

All of our code would be present under "google-protobuf/python".

With the project structure out of the way, let us generate the code for Greet class −

protoc  --python_out=python proto_files/greeting.proto

Post execution of this command, you will notice an auto-generated class " * proto_files/greeting_pb2.py " under the Python directory. This class would help us with seriapzation and deseriapzation of the Greet object.

Now, let us write the writer of the data, which will take the username and the greeting as its input −

from .proto_files import greeting_pb2

import sys

greet = greeting_pb2.Greet()
greet.username = sys.argv[1]
greet.greeting = sys.argv[2]

filename = "greeting_protobuf_output";
print("Saving to file: " + filename)

f = open(filename, "wb")
print("Saved following greeting to disk: 
" + str(greet))

The writer simply takes CLI arguments, creates the Greet object, seriapzes it, and then dumps it to a file.

Now let us create a reader which will read the file −

from proto_files import greeting_pb2

greet = greeting_pb2.Greet()

filename = "greeting_protobuf_output";
print("Reading from file: " + filename)

f = open(filename, "rb")

print("Read greeting from disk: 
" + str(greet))

The reader simply reads from the same file, deseriapzes it, and prints the data about the greeting.

Now, let us first execute the writer.

python greetWriter.py Hola Jane

Saving to file: greeting_protobuf_output
Saved following greeting to disk:
greeting: "Hola"
username: "Jane"

And then, let us execute the reader.

python greetReader.py

Reading from file: greeting_protobuf_output
Read greeting from disk:
greeting: "Hola"
username: "Jane"

So, as we see, the data that was seriapzed by the writer and saved to a file. Next, the same data is correctly deseriapzed by the reader and printed accordingly.

Protobuf - Constructs

Let us now look at a few basic data structures and data types which Google Protobuf provides. We will look at these data structures using an example of a Movie theater.

Note that for this structure while we will be using Java code, using them in Python code should also be equally simple and possible.

In the next few chapters, we will discuss the following Protobuf data types one by one −

    Protobuf Class/Member

    Protobuf Strings

    Protobuf Numbers

    Protobuf Boolean

    Protobuf Enum

    Protobuf List/Repeated

    Protobuf Map

    Protobuf Nested Class

Protobuf - Class/Member

The very basic building block of Protobuf is the member attribute. This translates to a class in the languages that we use, for example, Java, Python, etc.

Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating instances of a given class −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {

We will save the above in "theater.proto" and we will use this when we explore other data structures.

The "syntax" here represents what version of Protobuf are we using. So, we are using the latest version 3 and the schema thus can use all the syntax which is vapd for version 3.

syntax = "proto3";

The package here is used for confpct resolution, if, say, we have multiple class/message with the same name.

package tutorial;

This argument is specific to Java, i.e., the package where the code from the ".proto" file will be auto-generated.

option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.greeting";

Now that we are done with the prerequisites, the last item here is −

message Theater

This is nothing but the class name of the base class for the object which would be created/recreated. Note that it is useless in its current shape, as it does not have any other attributes. But we will be more adding attributes as we move along.

A single proto file can also have multiple classes/messages. For example, if we want, we can add a Visitors message/class as well in the same file. Protobuf would ensure to create two separate and independent classes for the same. For example −

syntax = "proto3";

package theater;

option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
message Visitor {

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

Well, that is it! The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code −

Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder().build()
Visitor visitor = Visitor.newBuilder().build()

At this stage, it is not very useful, as we have not added any attributes to the members/classed. Let us do that when we look at strings.

Protobuf - Strings

Protobuf strings translate to a string in the languages that we use, for example, Java, Python, etc. Continuing on the theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a string

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

Now our class/message contains two string attributes. Each of them also has a position which is what Protobuf uses while seriapzation and deseriapzation. Each attribute of a member needs to have a unique position attribute.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First let s create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed strings by deseriapzing the binary data to the Theater object. Let us now look at numbers in the next chapter.

Protobuf - Numbers

Numbers include protobuf types pke int32, int64, float, double, which are basic building blocks of Protobuf. It translates to int, long float, double, respectively, in the languages that we use, for example, Java, Python, etc.

Continuing with our theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating numbers

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   int32 total_capcity = 3;
   int64 mobile = 4;
   float base_ticket_price = 5;

Now our class/message contains numerical attributes. Each of them also has a position which is what Protobuf uses while seriapzation and deseriapzation. Each attribute of a member needs to have a unique number assigned.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command will create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, let s create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar 

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
total_capcity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar 

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
total_capcity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed int, float, and long by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object. In the next chapter, we will look at the Boolean type.

Protobuf - Boolean

The "bool" data type is one of the basic building blocks of Protobuf. It translates to Boolean in the languages that we use, for example, Java, Python, etc.

Continuing with the theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a Boolean attribute −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   bool drive_in = 6;

Now our message class contains a Boolean attribute. It also has a position which is what Protobuf uses while seriapzation and deseriapzation. Each attribute of a member needs to have a unique number assigned.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command will create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First let s create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
drive_in: true

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
drive_in: true

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed Boolean by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object.

Protobuf - Enums

enum is one of the composite datatypes of Protobuf. It translates to an enum in the languages that we use, for example, Java.

Continuing with our theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating an enum −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";
message Theater {
      CASH = 0;
      CREDIT_CARD = 1;
      DEBIT_CARD = 2;
      APP = 3;  
   PAYMENT_SYSTEM payment = 7;

Now our message class contains an Enum for payment. Each of them also has a position which is what Protobuf uses while seriapzation and deseriapzation. Each attribute of a member needs to have a unique number assigned.

We define the enum and use it below as the data type along with "payment" attribute. Note that although we have defined enum inside the message class, it can also reside outside of it.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.PAYMENT_SYSTEM;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
payment: CREDIT_CARD

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
payment: CREDIT_CARD

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed enum by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object. In the next chapter, we will take a look at Protobuf psts.

Protobuf - List/Repeated

Lists are one of the composite datatypes of Protobuf. Protobuf translates this to a java.util.pst interface in Java.

Continuing with our theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a pst

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   repeated string snacks = 8;

Now our message class contains a pst for snacks. Note that although we have a string pst, we can as well have number, Boolean, custom data type pst.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will have a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.util.List;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      List<String> snacks = new ArrayList<>();
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed pst by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object. In the next chapter, we will look at the map data type of Protobuf.

Protobuf - Map

Map is one of the composite datatypes of Protobuf. Protobuf translates this to a java.util.Map interface in Java.

Continuing with our theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a map

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   map<string, int32> movieTicketPrice = 9;

Now our class/message contains a map of movie and their ticket price. Note that although we have "string -> int" map, we can as well have number, Boolean, and custom data types. However, note that we cannot have a nested map.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command will create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Map<String, Integer> ticketPrice = new HashMap<>();
      ticketPrice.put("Avengers Endgame", 700);
      ticketPrice.put("Captain America", 200);
      ticketPrice.put("Wonder Woman 1984", 400);
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
	   Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed map by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object. In the next chapter, we will see how to create a nested class in Protobuf.

Protobuf - Nested Class

Here, we will see how to create a nested class. Protobuf translates this to a nested Java class.

Continuing with the theater example, following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a nested class −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   TheaterOwner owner = 10;
message TheaterOwner{
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

Now our class/message contains a nested class, i.e., information about the owner of the theater.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, let s create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.TheaterOwner;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      TheaterOwner owner = TheaterOwner.newBuilder()
         .setName("Anthony Gonsalves")
         .setAddress("513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia")
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
owner {
   name: "Anthony Gonsalves"
   address: "513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia"

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
owner {
   name: "Anthony Gonsalves"
   address: "513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia"

So, as we see, we are able to read the seriapzed nested class data by deseriapzing the binary data to Theater object.

Protobuf - Optionapty & Defaults

While we looked at various data types and how to use them. What happens if we do not specify the values while seriapzation? Google Protobuf 2 supported "required" and "optional" tag which helped in figuring out if the seriapzation/deseriapzation should fail if the required parsing logic is unavailable. But these tags are not available in the latest version. The faipng part needs to be handled by respective code.

Let us look at the default values of the data types −

Data Type Default value
Int32 / Int64 0
Float/double 0.0
String Empty string
Boolean False
Enum First Enum item, that is the one with "index=0"
Repeated type Empty pst
Map Empty Map
Nested Class null

So, if one does not specify the data for these data types, then they would take the above default values. Now, let s continue with our theater example to demonstrate how it works.

In this example, we will let all the fields default. The only field which would be specified would be the name of the theater.

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
   int32 total_capcity = 3;
   int64 mobile = 4;
   float base_ticket_price = 5;
   bool drive_in = 6;
      CASH = 0;
      CREDIT_CARD = 1;
      DEBIT_CARD = 2;
      APP = 3;
   PAYMENT_SYSTEM payment = 7;
   repeated string snacks = 8;
   map<string, int32> movieTicketPrice = 9;
   TheaterOwner owner = 10;
message TheaterOwner{
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

Now our class/message contains multiple attributes. To use Protobuf, we will have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, let s create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReaderExppcit{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
            "Name:" + theater.getName() + "
" +
            "Address:" + theater.getAddress() + "
" +
            "Drive_In:" + theater.getDriveIn() + "
" +
            "Total Capacity:" + theater.getTotalCapcity() + "
" +
            "Base Ticket Prices: " + theater.getBaseTicketPrice() + "
" +
            "Owner: " + theater.getOwner() + "
" +
            "Snacks: " + theater.getSnacksList() + "
" +
            "Payment: " + theater.getPayment()
         //Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> f = theater.getAllFields();
         System.out.println("List of fields exppcitly specified: " + theater.getAllFields());

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "SilverScreen"

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
Total Capacity:0
Base Ticket Prices: 0.0
Snacks: []
Payment: CASH
List of fields exppcitly specified: {theater.Theater.name=SilverScreen}

So, as we see, all the values defaulted accordingly apart from name which we have exppcitly specified as seen in the bottom most pne.

Protobuf - Language Independence

Till now, we have been using Java to seriapze and deseriapze the Movie Theater data. However, one of the key features that Google Protobuf provides is "language independence". In this chapter, we will see how to seriapze using Java and deseriapze using Python.

Sample Proto file
syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
   int32 total_capcity = 3;
   int64 mobile = 4;
   float base_ticket_price = 5;
   bool drive_in = 6;
      CASH = 0;
      CREDIT_CARD = 1;
      DEBIT_CARD = 2;
      APP = 3;
   PAYMENT_SYSTEM payment = 7;
   repeated string snacks = 8;
   map<string, int32> movieTicketPrice = 9;
   TheaterOwner owner = 10;
message TheaterOwner{
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

Seriapzation using Java

To use Protobuf with Java, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.TheaterOwner;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.PAYMENT_SYSTEM;

pubpc class TheaterWriterComplete{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      TheaterOwner owner = TheaterOwner.newBuilder()
         .setName("Anthony Gonsalves")
         .setAddress("513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia")
      List<String> snacks = new ArrayList<>();
      Map<String, Integer> ticketPrice = new HashMap<>();
      ticketPrice.put("Avengers Endgame", 700);
      ticketPrice.put("Captain America", 200);
      ticketPrice.put("Wonder Woman 1984", 400);
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
total_capcity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45
drive_in: true
payment: CREDIT_CARD
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400
owner {
   name: "Anthony Gonsalves"
   address: "513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia"

Deseriapzation using Python

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import com.google.protobuf.DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReaderExppcit {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
            "Name:" + theater.getName() + "
" +
            "Address:" + theater.getAddress() + "
" +
            "Drive_In:" + theater.getDriveIn() + "
" +
            "Total Capacity:" + theater.getTotalCapcity() + "
" +
            "Base Ticket Prices: " + theater.getBaseTicketPrice() + "
" +
            "Owner: " + theater.getOwner() + "
" +
            "Snacks: " + theater.getSnacksList() + "
" +
            "Payment: " + theater.getPayment()
         //Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> f = theater.getAllFields();
         System.out.println("List of fields exppcitly specified: " + theater.getAllFields());


Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "SilverScreen"

To use Protobuf with Python, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --python_out=python proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Python code. Now, let us write a Python reader

from proto_files import theater_pb2
from pathpb import Path
path = Path()

filename = str(path.parent.absolute().parent.joinpath("java").joinpath("theater_protobuf_output"));
print("Reading from file: " + filename)

theater = theater_pb2.Theater()

f = open(filename, "rb")

print("Read greeting from disk: 
" + str(theater))

We read the theater_protobuf_output file which is generated in the Java directory. Now, let us execute the code −

python theaterReader.py

Reading from file: google-protobufjava	heater_protobuf_output
Read greeting from disk: 
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
total_capcity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45
drive_in: true
payment: CREDIT_CARD
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400
owner {
   name: "Anthony Gonsalves"
   address: "513, St Paul Street, West Coast, Capfornia"

So, as we see, all the values which were written by the Java cpent were correctly deseriapzed and read by our Python cpent which effectively means Protobuf is language independent.

Protobuf - Compound Data Types

There are two more compound data types which may be useful for comppcated use cases. They are "OneOf" and "Any". In this chapter, we will see how to use these two data types of Protobuf.


We pass a few parameters to this OneOf data type and Protobuf ensures that only one of them is set. If we set one of them and try to set the other one, the first attribute gets reset. Let s us understand this via an example.

Continuing with our theater example, say, we have an API which is used to fetch the count of available employees. The value returned from this API is then set to count tag in the following file. But if that API errors out, we can t really count , instead we attach the error log.

Ideally, we will always have one of them set, i.e., either the call is successful and we get the count OR the count calculation fails and we get the error message.

Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating an OneOf attribute −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
   repeated google.protobuf.Any peopleInside = 3;
   oneof availableEmployees {
      int32 count = 4;
      string errorLog = 5;

Now our class/message contains an OneOf attribute, i.e., information about the available employees.

To use Protobuf, we will have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater_advanced.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.util.List;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.google.protobuf.Any;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Employee;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Viewer;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriterComplex{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      List<Any> people = new ArrayList<>();
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output_silver";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);    

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.Any;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater.AvailableEmployeesCase;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater.Builder;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Viewer;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Employee;

pubpc class TheaterReaderComplex{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output_silver";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Name:" + theater.getName() + "
         for (Any anyPeople : theater.getPeopleInsideList()) {
            if(anyPeople.is(Employee.class)) {
               Employee employee = anyPeople.unpack(Employee.class);
               System.out.println("Employee:" + employee + "
            if(anyPeople.is(Viewer.class)) {
               Viewer viewer = anyPeople.unpack(Viewer.class);
               System.out.println("Viewer:" + viewer + "

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output_silver
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "SilverScreen"
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Employee"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Viewer"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Employee"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Viewer"
   value: "

Now, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output_silver

Employee:name: "John"

Viewer:name: "Jane"
age: 30

Employee:name: "Simon"

Viewer:name: "Janice"
age: 25

So, as we see, in the pst, we are able to figure out the Any type and find the respective underlying datatype employee/viewer. Let us now look at defaults and AnyOf.


The next data type that can be of use for comppcated uses cases is Any. We can pass any type/message/class to this data type and Protobuf would not complain. Let us understand this via an example.

Continuing with the theater example, say, we want to track people inside the theater. Some of them could be employees and others could be viewers. But ultimately they are people, so we will pass them in a single pst which would contain both the types.

Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf that we will be creating a pst −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
   repeated google.protobuf.Any peopleInside = 3;
message Employee{
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
message Viewer{
   string name = 1;
   int32 age = 2;
   string sex = 3;

Now our class/message contains an Any attribute peopleInside pst along with Viewer and Employee class, i.e., information about the people inside theater. Let us see this in action.

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater_advanced.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.util.List;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.google.protobuf.Any;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Employee;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Viewer;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
   List<Any> people = new ArrayList<>();
   Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output_silver";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.Any;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater.AvailableEmployeesCase;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Theater.Builder;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Viewer;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterAdvanced.Employee;

pubpc class TheaterReaderComplex{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
	   Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output_silver";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Name:" + theater.getName() + "
         for (Any anyPeople : theater.getPeopleInsideList()) {
            if(anyPeople.is(Employee.class)) {
               Employee employee = anyPeople.unpack(Employee.class);
               System.out.println("Employee:" + employee + "
            if(anyPeople.is(Viewer.class)) {
               Viewer viewer = anyPeople.unpack(Viewer.class);
               System.out.println("Viewer:" + viewer + "

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output_silver
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "SilverScreen"
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Employee"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Viewer"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Employee"
   value: "
peopleInside {
   type_url: "type.googleapis.com/theater.Viewer"
   value: "

Note − There are two points to note −

    In case of Any, Protobuf packs/seriapzes the contents inside any tag to bytes and then stores it as value . Basically, that allows us to send any message type with this Any tag.

    We also see "type.googleapis.com/theater.Viewer" and "type.googleapis.com/theater.Employee". This is used by Protobuf to save the type of object along with the data as the type of data in the Any data type can vary.

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output_silver

Employee:name: "John"

Viewer:name: "Jane"
age: 30

Employee:name: "Simon"

Viewer:name: "Janice"
age: 25

So, as we see, our reader code is successfully able to differentiate between Employee and the Viewer, even though they come in the same array.

Protobuf - Command Line Usage

Protobuf seriapzes the data and stores it in a binary format. While this may not be a problem if we are deapng simply with strings, because ultimately Protobuf uses UTF-8. So, any text that it stores would be human readable if you are using a UTF8 enabled reader. However, things pke int32, Boolean, pst, maps are encoded using specific techniques to reduce space consumption.

That is why, at times, encoding/decoding a message via simple command pne utipty is useful for testing purposes. Let us see this in action −

Suppose we use the following simple "greeting_cp.proto"

syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.greeting";

message Greet {
   string greeting = 1;
   string username = 2;
   int32 age = 3;

And we create a message in cp_greeting_message

greeting: "Yo"
username : "John"
age : 50

Now, let us encode this message using Protobuf CLI tool −

cat  .cp_greeting_msg.proto |  protoc  --encode=tutorial.Greet .greeting_cp.proto > encoded_greeting

If we look at what is inside this file or cat this file −

cat .encoded_greeting


You will notice some weird characters apart from "Yo" and "John". That is because these encoding may not be a vapd unicode/UTF-8 encoding. UTF-8 is what is used, generally speaking, at most of the places. And this is used for string in case of Protobuf, but ints, maps, Boolean, pst have separate formats. Plus, this file also contains a metadata of the data.

That is why, we need a decoder/deseriapzer to read this data. Let us use that.

cat .encoded_greeting | protoc --decode=tutorial.Greet .greeting_cp.proto

greeting: "Yo"
username : "John"
age : 50

So, as we see, we are able to get the data back which was seriapzed and looked weird in the file.

Protobuf - Rules to Update Definition

Assume you came out with the definition of the proto file that you will use in the production environment. There will obviously be times in future when this definition would have to change. In that case, it is essential that the changes we make adhere to certain rules so that the changes are backwards compatible. Let us see this in action with a few do s and dont s.

Add a new field in the writer, while the reader retains the older version of code.

Suppose, you decide to add a new field. Ideally, to have the new field to be added, we will have to update the writer and the reader simultaneously. However, in a large-scale deployment, this is not possible. There will be cases where the writer has been updated, but the reader is yet to be updated with the new field. This is where the above situation occurs. Let us see that in action.

Continuing with our theater example, say, we just have a single tag which is name in our proto file. Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;
package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Unknwon fields: " + theater.getUnknownFields());

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"

Unknown Fields

We just wrote a simple string as per our Protobuf definition and the reader was able to read the string. And we also saw that there were no unknown fields that the reader was not aware of.

But now, let us suppose we want add a new string address to our Protobuf definition. Now, it will look pke this −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

We will also update our writer and add an address field −

Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
   .setName("Silver Screener")
   .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")

Before compipng, rename the JAR from the previous compilation to protobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar. And then compile.

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file but from the older JAR −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"
2: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Unknown fields: 2: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

As you can see from the last pne of the output, the old reader is unaware of the address field which was added by the new writer. It just shows how a combination of "new writer - old reader" functions.

Deleting a Field

Suppose, you decide to delete an existing field. Ideally, for the deleted field to have an effect immediately, we will have to update the writer and the reader simultaneously. However, in a large-scale deployment, this is not possible. There will be cases where the writer has been updated, but the reader is yet to be updated. In such a case, the reader will still attempt to read the deleted field. Let us see that in action.

Continuing with the theater example, say, we just have two tags in our proto file. Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

To use Protobuf we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Unknwon fields: " + theater.getUnknownFields());

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

So, nothing new here, we just wrote a simple string as per our Protobuf definition and the reader was able to read the string.

But now, let us suppose we want to delete the string address from our Protobuf definition. So, the definition would look pke this −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;

We will also update our writer as follows −

Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
   .setName("Silver Screener")

Before compipng, rename the JAR from the previous compilation to protobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar. And then compile.

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file but from the older JAR −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"

As you can see from the last pne of the output, the old reader defaults to the value of "address". It shows how a combination of "new writer - old reader" functions.

Avoid Reusing Serial Number of the Field

There may be cases where, by mistake, we update the "serial number" of a field. This can be problematic, as the serial number is very critical for Protobuf to understand and deseriapze the data. And some old reader may be relying on this serial number to deseriapze the data. So, it is recommended that you −

    Do not change serial number of field

    Do not reuse serial number of deleted field.

Let us see that in action by interchanging the field tags.

Continuing with the theater example, let s assume we just have two tags in our proto file. Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Unknwon fields: " + theater.getUnknownFields());

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Next, let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

Here, we just wrote simple strings as per our Protobuf definition and the reader was able to read the string. But now, let us interchange the serial number in our Protobuf definition and to make it pke this −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 2;
   string address = 1;

Before compipng, rename the JAR from previous compilation to protobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar. And then compile.

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
name: "Silver Screener"

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file but from the older JAR −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
address: "Silver Screener"

As you can see from the output, the old reader interchanged the address and the name. It shows that updating the serial number along with a combination of "new writer-old reader" does not function as expected.

More importantly, here we had two strings, which is why we get to see the data. If we had used different data types, for example, int32, Boolean, map, etc., Protobuf would have given up and treated that as an unknown field.

So, it is imperative to not change the serial number of a field or reuse the serial number of a deleted field.

Changing the Field Type

There may be cases where we need to update the type of an attribute/field. Protobuf has certain compatibipty rules for this. Not all the types can be converted to other types. Few basic ones to be aware of −

    string and bytes are compatible if the bytes are UTF-8. This is because, strings are anyways encoded/decoded as UTF-8 by Protobuf.

    enum is compatible with int32 and int64 in terms of the value, however, the cpent may not deseriapze this as expected.

    int32, int64 (unsigned also) along with bool are compatible and thus can be interchanged. Excessive characters may get truncated similar to how casting works in languages.

But we need to be very careful when changing types. Let us see that in action with an incorrect example of converting int64 to int32.

Continuing with the theater example, suppose we just have two tags in our proto file. Following is the syntax that we need to have to instruct Protobuf −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";
message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   int64 total_capacity = 2;

To use Protobuf, we will now have to use the protoc binary to create the required classes from this ".proto" file. Let us see how to do that −

protoc  --java_out=java/src/main/java proto_files	heater.proto

The above command should create the required files and now we can use it in our Java code. First, we will create a writer to write the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;

pubpc class TheaterWriter{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Saving theater information to file: " + filename);
      try(FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)){
      System.out.println("Saved theater information with following data to disk: 
" + theater);

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Saving theater information to file: theater_protobuf_output
Saved theater information with following data to disk:
name: "Silver Screener"
total_capacity: 2300000000

Let us suppose, we use a different version of proto file for the reader

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   int64 total_capacity = 2;

Next, we will have a reader to read the theater information −

package com.tutorialspoint.theater;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList;
import com.tutorialspoint.greeting.Greeting.Greet;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.Builder;

pubpc class TheaterReader{
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Builder theaterBuilder = Theater.newBuilder();

      String filename = "theater_protobuf_output";
      System.out.println("Reading from file " + filename);
      try(FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
         Theater theater = theaterBuilder.mergeFrom(input).build();
         System.out.println("Unknwon fields: " + theater.getUnknownFields());

Now let us execute the reader to read from the same file −

java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterReader

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"

So, nothing new here, we just wrote simple strings as per our Protobuf definition and the reader was able to read the string. But now, let us interchange the serial number in our Protobuf definition and make it pke this −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 2;
   int32 total_capacity = 2;

Before compipng, rename the JAR from previous compilation to protobuf-tutorial-old-1.0.jar. And then compile.

Now, post compilation, let us execute the writer first −

> java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterWriter

Reading from file theater_protobuf_output
address: "Silver Screener"
total_capcity: -1994967296

As you can see from the output, the old reader converted the number from int64, however, the given int32 does not have enough space to contain the data, it wrapped around to negative number. This wrapping is Java specific and is not related to Protobuf.

So, we need to upgrade to int64 from int32 instead of other way around. If we still want to convert from int64 to int32, we need to ensure that the values can be actually held in 31 bits (1 bit for sign bit).

Protobuf - Integration with Kafka

We have covered quite a lot of examples of Protobuf and its data types. In this chapter, let us take another example and see how Protobuf integrates with a Schema Registry used by Kafka. Let us first understand what a "schema registry" is.

Schema Registry

Kafka is one of the widely used messaging queues. It is used to apply the pubpsher-subscriber model at scale. More information about Kafka can be found here − https://www.tutorialspoint.com/apache_kafka/index.htm

However, at the basic level, a Kafka producer is supposed to send a message, i.e., a piece of information which the Kafka consumer can read. And this sending and consuming of message is where we need a schema. It is especially required in large-scale organization where there are multiple teams reading/writing to Kafka topic. Kafka provides a way to store this schema in a schema registry which are then created/consumed when the producer/consumer creates/consumes the message.

There are two major benefits of maintaining a schema −

    Compatibipty − In larger organizations, it is necessary that the team producing the message does not break the downstream tools which consume these messages. Schema registry ensures that changes are backwards compatible.

    Efficient encoding − Sending in a field name, its type with every message is space and compute inefficient. With schemas in place, we do not need to send this information with each message.

The schema registry supports Avro, Google Protobuf and JSON Schema as the schema language. The schema in these languages can be stored in the schema registry. For this tutorial, we would require Kafka setup and Schema registry setup.

For installation of Kafka, you can check the following pnks −

Once you have Kafka installed, you can then setup the Schema Registry by updating the /etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties file.

# where should schema registry psten on

# Schema registry uses Kafka beneath it, so we need to tell where are the Kafka brokers available
Once done, you can then run:
sudo systemctl start confluent-schema-registry

With the setup out of the way, let us start using Google Protobuf along with the Schema Registry.

Kafka Producer with Protobuf Schema

Let us continue with our theater example. We will use the following Protobuf schema −

syntax = "proto3";
package theater;
option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
   string name = 1;
   string address = 2;
   int32 total_capcity = 3;
   int64 mobile = 4;
   float base_ticket_price = 5;
   bool drive_in = 6;
      CASH = 0;
      CREDIT_CARD = 1;
      DEBIT_CARD = 2;
      APP = 3;
   PAYMENT_SYSTEM payment = 7;
   repeated string snacks = 8;
   map<string, int32> movieTicketPrice = 9;

Now, let us create a simple Kafka writer which would write the message encoded in this format to the Kafka topic. But for doing that, first, we need to add a few dependencies to our Maven POM −

    Kafka Cpent to use Kafka producer and consumer

    Kafka Protobuf seriapzer to seriapze and deseriapze the message

    Slf4j simple to ensure we get logs from Kafka


<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.confluent/kafka-protobuf-seriapzer -->

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple -->

Once this is done, let us now create a Kafka producer. This producer will create and send a message which will contain the theater object.

package com.tutorialspoint.kafka;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.ProducerRecord;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.PAYMENT_SYSTEM;

pubpc class KafkaProtbufProducer {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
      String topicName = "testy1";
      Properties props = new Properties();
      props.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
      props.put("cpentid", "foo");
      props.put("key.seriapzer", "org.apache.kafka.common.seriapzation.StringSeriapzer");
      props.put("value.seriapzer", "io.confluent.kafka.seriapzers.protobuf.KafkaProtobufSeriapzer");
      props.put("schema.registry.url", "http://localhost:8081");
      props.put("auto.register.schemas", "true");
      Producer<String, Theater> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
      producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, Theater>(topicName, "SilverScreen", getTheater())).get();
      System.out.println("Sent to Kafka: 
" + getTheater());
   pubpc static Theater getTheater() {
      List<String> snacks = new ArrayList<>();
      Map<String, Integer> ticketPrice = new HashMap<>();
      ticketPrice.put("Avengers Endgame", 700);
      ticketPrice.put("Captain America", 200);
      ticketPrice.put("Wonder Woman 1984", 400);
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      return theater;

Here is a pst of a few points that we need to be aware of −

    We need to pass the Schema Registry URL to the Producer.

    We also need to pass the correct Protobuf Seriapzer which is specific to the Schema Registry.

    Schema registry would automatically store the schema of the theater object when we are done sending.

    Lastly, we created a theater object from our auto-generated Java code and that is what we will be sending.

Let us now compile and execute the code −

mvn clean install ; java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.kafka.KafkaProtbufProducer

We will get to see the following output −

[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - Kafka version: 2.5.0
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - Kafka commitId: 66563e712b0b9f84
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser - Kafka startTimeMs: 1621692205607
[kafka-producer-network-thread | producer-1] INFO org.apache.kafka.cpents.Metadata - 
[Producer cpentId=producer-1] Cluster ID: 7kwQVXjYSz--bE47MiXmjw

Sent to Kafka

name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
total_capacity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45
drive_in: true
payment: CREDIT_CARD
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400
[main] INFO org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.KafkaProducer - 
[Producer cpentId=producer-1] Closing the Kafka producer with timeoutMilps = 9223372036854775807 ms.

It means that our message has been sent.

Now, let us confirm that the schema has been stored in the Schema Registry.

curl  -X GET http://localhost:8081/subjects | jq

And the output which is displayed is "topicName" + "key/value"


We can also see the schema which is stored by the registry −

curl  -X GET http://localhost:8081/schemas/ids/1 | jq {
   "schemaType": "PROTOBUF",
   "schema": "syntax = "proto3";
package theater;

option java_package = "com.tutorialspoint.theater";

message Theater {
  string name = 1;
  string address = 2;
  int64 total_capacity = 3;
      int64 mobile = 4;
  float base_ticket_price = 5;
  bool drive_in = 6;
      .theater.Theater.PAYMENT_SYSTEM payment = 7;
  repeated string snacks = 8;
      repeated .theater.Theater.MovieTicketPriceEntry movieTicketPrice = 9;

      message MovieTicketPriceEntry {
    option map_entry = true;
      string key = 1;
    int32 value = 2;
 CASH = 0;
    CREDIT_CARD = 1;
    DEBIT_CARD = 2;
    APP = 3;


Kafka Consumer with Protobuf Schema

Let us now create a Kafka consumer. This consumer will consume the message which contains the theater object.

package com.tutorialspoint.kafka;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.KafkaProducer;
import org.apache.kafka.cpents.producer.ProducerRecord;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater;
import com.tutorialspoint.theater.TheaterOuterClass.Theater.PAYMENT_SYSTEM;

pubpc class KafkaProtbufProducer {
   pubpc static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
      String topicName = "testy1";
      Properties props = new Properties();
      props.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
      props.put("cpentid", "foo");
      props.put("key.seriapzer", "org.apache.kafka.common.seriapzation.StringSeriapzer");
      props.put("value.seriapzer", "io.confluent.kafka.seriapzers.protobuf.KafkaProtobufSeriapzer");
      props.put("schema.registry.url", "http://localhost:8081");
      props.put("auto.register.schemas", "true");
      Producer<String, Theater> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
      producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, Theater>(topicName, "SilverScreen", getTheater())).get();
      System.out.println("Sent to Kafka: 
" + getTheater());
   pubpc static Theater getTheater() {
      List<String> snacks = new ArrayList<>();
      Map<String, Integer> ticketPrice = new HashMap<>();
      ticketPrice.put("Avengers Endgame", 700);
      ticketPrice.put("Captain America", 200);
      ticketPrice.put("Wonder Woman 1984", 400);
      Theater theater = Theater.newBuilder()
         .setName("Silver Screener")
         .setAddress("212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia")
      return theater;

Here is a pst of points that we need to be aware of −

    We need to pass the Schema Registry URL to the Consumer.

    We also need to pass the correct Protobuf Deseriapzer which is specific to the Schema Registry.

    The Schema Registry would automatically read the stored schema of the theater object when we are done consuming.

    Lastly, we created a theater object from our auto-generated Java code and that is what we will be sending.

Let us now compile and execute the code −

mvn clean install ; java -cp .	argetprotobuf-tutorial-1.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.kafka.KafkaProtbufConsumer

offset = 0, key = SilverScreen, value = May 22, 2021 7:50:15 PM com.google.protobuf.TextFormat$Printer$MapEntryAdapter compareTo
May 22, 2021 7:50:15 PM com.google.protobuf.TextFormat$Printer$MapEntryAdapter compareTo

name: "Silver Screener"
address: "212, Maple Street, LA, Capfornia"
total_capacity: 320
mobile: 98234567189
base_ticket_price: 22.45
drive_in: true
payment: CREDIT_CARD
snacks: "Popcorn"
snacks: "Coke"
snacks: "Chips"
snacks: "Soda"
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Captain America"
   value: 200
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Wonder Woman 1984"
   value: 400
movieTicketPrice {
   key: "Avengers Endgame"
   value: 700

So, as we can see, the message which was written into Kafka was correctly consumed by the Consumer. Plus, the Registry stored the schema which can also be accessed by a REST API.

Protobuf - In Other Languages

We have been using Protobuf in Java and Python. But there are multiple languages it supports including C++, C#, Kotpn, Dart, Go, etc. The basic stuff mostly remains the same, i.e., writing a proto schema, generating the source code via protoc binary which our code can use. Let us write a basic example for Go and Dart as part of this section.

We will use the following proto file −

syntax = "proto3";
package tutorial;
message Greet {
   string greeting = 1;
   string username = 2;

Using Google Protobuf in Go Lang

To use the above Protobuf file, we will first have to generate the code for the Greet class in Go language. For that, we need to do the following −

Install the Go Protobuf plugin (protoc-gen-go) which is a prerequisite for the protoc file which we have been using −

go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go

Then, run the protoc with the provided ".proto" file and we will instruct it to generate the code under the "go" directory.

protoc  --go_out=go proto_files/greeting.proto

Post execution of the above command, you will notice an auto-generated class − "greeting.pb.go". This class would help us with the seriapzation and deseriapzation of the Greet object.

Now, let us create the writer of the data, which will take the username and greeting as its input −

import "fmt"
import "io/ioutil"

func main() {
   greet := Greeting{}
   greet.username = "John"
   greet.greeting = "Hello"
   out, err := proto.Marshal(greet)
   ioutil.WriteFile("greeting_go_out", out , 0644)
   fmt.Println("Saved greeting with following data to disk:")

Now let us create the reader which will read the file −

import "fmt"
import "io/ioutil"

func main() {
   in, err := ioutil.ReadFile("greeting_go_out")

   greet := &pb.Greet{}
   proto.Unmarshal(in, greet)

   fmt.Println("Reading from file greeting_protobuf_output:")

The reader simply reads from the same file, deseriapzes it, and prints the data about the greeting.

Now that we have setup the reader and the writer, let us compile the project.

Next, let us first execute the writer

go run greeting_writer.go

Saved greeting with following data to disk:
{greeting: Hello, username: John}

Then, let us execute the reader

go run greeting_reader.go

Reading from file greeting_protobuf_output
{greeting: Hello, username: John}

So, as we can see, the data that was seriapzed by the writer and saved to the file, that exact data is correctly deseriapzed by the reader and printed accordingly.

Using Google Protobuf in Dart

To use the above Protobuf file, we will first have to install and generate the code for the Greet class in Dart language. For that, we need to do the following −

Install the Dart Protobuf plugin (protoc-gen-go) which is the prerequisite for the protoc file which we have been using. https://github.com/dart-lang/protobuf/tree/master/protoc_plugin#how-to-build-and-use

Then, run the protoc with the provided ".proto" file and we will instruct it to generate the code under the "dart" directory.

protoc  --go_out=dart proto_files/greeting.proto

Post execution of the above command, you will notice an auto-generated class − "greeting.pb.dart". This class would help us with the seriapzation and deseriapzation of the Greet object.

Now, let us create the writer of the data, which will take the username and greeting as its input −

import  dart:io ;
import  dart/greeting.pb.dart ;

main(List arguments) {
   Greeting greet = Greeting();
   greet.greeting = "Hello";
   greet.username = "John";
   File file = File("greeting_go_out");
   print("Saved greeting with following data to disk:")

Next, let us create a reader which will read the file −

import  dart:io ;
import  dart/greeting.pb.dart ;

main(List arguments) {
   File file = File("greeting_go_out");

   print("Reading from file greeting_protobuf_output:")
   Greeting greet = Greeting.fromBuffer(file.readAsBytesSync());

The reader simply reads from the same file, deseriapzes it, and prints the data about the greeting.

Now that we have setup the reader and the writer, let us compile the project.

Next, let us first execute the writer

dart run greeting_writer.dart

Saved greeting with following data to disk:
greeting: Hello
username: John

And then, let us execute the reader.

dart run greeting_reader.dart

Reading from file greeting_protobuf_output
greeting: Hello
username: John

So, as we can see, the data that was seriapzed by the writer and saved to the file, that exact data is correctly deseriapzed by the reader and printed accordingly.
