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  • 时间:2025-02-05

AWS ElastiCache - Environment

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For using any Aws service, you ned to set up an AWS account. We assume you have set up the AWS account by following the guide pnes mentioned in the Amazon Web Services aws home page. Below are the prepminary steps to access the RDS services from the console.


After logging in to the amazon console, to access the ElastiCache services we need to navigate to the Amazon ElastiCache home page by searching for ElastiCache in the search box of under the services tag as shown in the diagram below.

Ecache Environment 1


On cpcking the pnk above we get the Amazon ElastiCache home page. If it is the first time ever you are accessing ElastiCache services, then it will show you a screen showing the ElastiCache home page. But in case you have already created some ElastiCache resources a summary of that will be available by scrolpng down in the above page. A screen shot is shown below.

Ecache Environment 2


The next screen gives us an option to select the cache engine we need and that is the start of our configuration steps for the cache service we need.

Ecache Environment 3

In the next chapter we will see the details on each of these ElastiCache engine’s configuration and usage one by one.


We also need to assign a appropriate popcy to give permission to the user to use ElastiCache service. We need to attach the AWS-managed popcy named AmazonElastiCacheFullAccess to the existing user. This role comes pre-provisioned with permission that the service requires to create a service-pnked role on your behalf.
