AWS ElastiCache Tutorial
Selected Reading
- Discussion
- Useful Resources
- Quick Guide
- Managing Costs
- Managing Tags
- Events
- SNS Notifications
- IAM policies
- Delete Memcached Cluster
- Connecting to Cluster in VPC
- Creating Memcached Cluster
- Memcached VPC
- Add TTL
- Write Through
- Lazy Loading
- Accessing Memcached Cluster
- Memcached & Redis
- Monitoring Node - Metrics
- Backup and Restore
- Engine Parameters
- Deleting Parameters
- Listing Parameters
- Parameter Group
- Redis Shards
- Delete Cluster
- Scaling the Clusters
- Removing Nodes
- Adding Nodes
- Rebooting Cluster
- Modifying Cluster
- Accessing Cluster
- Cluster Endpoints
- Viewing Cluster Details
- Launching Cluster
- Interfaces
- Environment
- Overview
- Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
![AWS ElastiCache Tutorial](/awselasticache/images/aws-elasticache.jpg)
AWS ElastiCache Tutorial
AWS ElastiCache is a software used to deploy, run and scale popular open source compatible in-memory data stores. It improves the performance of the existing apps by retrieving data from high throughput and low latency in-memory data stores. Amazon ElastiCache is a popular choice for Gaming, Ad-Tech, Financial Services, Healthcare, and IoT apps.
This tutorial targets IT professionals, students, and cloud DevOps professionals who want a sopd grasp of essential AWS ElastiCache concepts. After completing this tutorial, you will achieve intermediate expertise in AWS ElastiCache.
This tutorial assumes knowledge of cloud computing concepts and AWS platform. Also, you should have an AWS account available to do the lab work.