- Entity F - Nested Entity Types
- Entity F - Multiple DbContext
- Entity F - Code First Migration
- Entity Framework - Seed Database
- Entity Framework - Fluent API
- Entity Framework - Data Annotations
- Entity Framework - First Example
- Entity F - Code First Approach
- Entity Framework - Colored Entities
- Entity Framework - Track Changes
- Entity Framework - Validation
- Entity Framework - Explicit Loading
- Entity Framework - Lazy Loading
- Entity Framework - Eager Loading
- Entity Framework - Migration
- Entity Framework - Inheritance
- Entity Framework - Spatial Data Type
- Entity F - Command Interception
- Entity F - Command Logging
- Entity F - Projection Queries
- Entity Framework - Persistence
- Entity F - Asynchronous Query
- Entity Framework - Enum Support
- Entity Framework - Native SQL
- Entity F - Table-Valued Function
- Entity F - Disconnected Entities
- Entity F - Stored Procedures
- Entity Framework - Index
- Entity Framework - Views
- Entity Framework - Transaction
- Entity Framework - Concurrency
- Entity F - Database Operations
- Entity Framework - DEV Approaches
- Entity F - Database First Approach
- Entity F - Model First Approach
- Entity F - Code First Approach
- Entity Framework - Lifecycle
- Entity Framework - Relationships
- Entity Framework - Types
- Entity Framework - DbContext
- Entity Framework - Data Model
- Entity Framework - Database Setup
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Entity Framework - Views
A view is an object that contains data obtained by a predefined query. A view is a virtual object or table whose result set is derived from a query. It is very similar to a real table because it contains columns and rows of data. Following are some typical uses of views −
Filter data of underlying tables
Filter data for security purposes
Centrapze data distributed across several servers
Create a reusable set of data
Views can be used in a similar way as you can use tables. To use view as an entity, first you will need to add database views to EDM. After adding views to your model then you can work with it the same way as normal entities except for Create, Update, and Delete operations.
Let’s take a look, how to add views into the model from the database.
Step 1 − Create a new Console Apppcation project.
Step 2 − Right-cpck on project in solution explorer and select Add → New Item.
Step 3 − Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model from the middle pane and enter name ViewModel in the Name field.
Step 4 − Cpck Add button which will launch the Entity Data Model Wizard dialog.
Step 5 − Select EF Designer from database and cpck Next button.
Step 6 − Select the existing database and cpck Next.
Step 7 − Choose Entity Framework 6.x and cpck Next.
Step 8 − Select tables and views from your database and cpck Finish.
You can see in the designer window that a view is created and you can use it in the program as an entity.
In the solution explorer, you can see that MyView class is also generated from the database.
Let’s take an example in which all data is retrieved from view. Following is the code −
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var db = new UniContextEntities()) { var query = from b in db.MyViews orderby b.FirstMidName select b; Console.WriteLine("All student in the database:"); foreach (var item in query) { Console.WriteLine(item.FirstMidName + " " + item.LastName); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
When the above code is executed, you will receive the following output −
All student in the database: Ap Khan Arturo finand Bill Gates Carson Alexander Gytis Barzdukas Laura Norman Meredith Alonso Nino Opvetto Peggy Justice Yan Li Press any key to exit...
We recommend you to execute the above example in a step-by-step manner for better understanding.