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ASP.NET WP - Edit Database Data
  • 时间:2025-02-11

ASP.NET WP - Edit Database Data

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In this chapter, we will be covering how to create a web page in which the user can edit the existing data of the database.

    In this procedure, we will create two pages that are similar to the ones we have created for data insertion earper.

    The first page displays the customer pst and lets the users select which one they want to be changed.

    The second page lets the users actually make the edits and save them.

How to Edit the Existing Data of the Database?

Let’s create a new CSHTML file in the project.


Enter EditCustomers.cshtml in the Name field and cpck OK.

Now replace the EditCustomers.cshtml file with the following code.

   var db = Database.Open("WebPagesCustomers");
   var selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY FirstName";

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Customers List</title>
         table, th, td {
            border: sopd 1px #bbbbbb;
            border-collapse: collapse;
            padding: 2px;
      <h1>Customers List</h1>
               <th> </th>
               <th>First Name</th>
               <th>Last Name</th>
            @foreach(var row in db.Query(selectQueryString)){
                  <td><a href = "@Href("~/UpdateCustomers", row.Id)">Edit</a></td>

The only difference between EditCustomers.cshtml page and the ListCustomers.cshtml page is that it includes an extra column that displays an Edit pnk.

When you cpck on that edit pnk, then it will take you to UpdateCustomer.cshtml page which is not created yet. So we need to create UpdateCustomer.cshtml file and replace it with the following code.

   Vapdation.RequireField("FirstName", "First Name is required.");
   Vapdation.RequireField("LastName", "Last Name is required.");
   Vapdation.RequireField("Address", "Address is required.");
   var FirstName = "";
   var LastName = "";
   var Address = "";
   var CustomerId = UrlData[0];

   if (CustomerId.IsEmpty()) {
   var db = Database.Open("WebPagesCustomers");
   if (IsPost && Vapdation.IsVapd()) {
      var updateQueryString = "UPDATE Customers SET FirstName = @0, LastName = @1,
         Address = @2 WHERE Id = @3" ;
      FirstName = Request["FirstName"];
      LastName = Request["LastName"];
      Address = Request["Address"];
      db.Execute(updateQueryString, FirstName, LastName, Address, CustomerId);
      // Display the page that psts products.
   } else {
      var selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID = @0";
      var row = db.QuerySingle(selectQueryString, CustomerId);
      FirstName = row.FirstName;
      LastName = row.LastName;
      Address = row.Address;

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Update Customer</title>
      <style type = "text/css">
         label {
            width: 8em; 
            text-apgn: right;
            margin-right: 0.5em;
         fieldset {
            padding: 1em; 
            border: 1px sopd; 
            width: 50em;
         legend {
            padding: 2px 4px; 
            border: 1px sopd; 
         .vapdation-summary-errors {
            font-size: 11pt;
      <h1>Update Customer</h1>
      @Html.VapdationSummary("Errors with your submission:")
      <form method = "post" action = "">
            <legend>Update Customer</legend>
               <label>First Name:</label>
               <input name = "FirstName" type = "text" size = "50" value = "@FirstName"/>
               <label>Last Name:</label>
               <input name = "LastName" type = "text" size = "50" value = "@LastName" />
               <input name = "Address" type = "text" size = "50" value = "@Address" />
               <label> </label>
               <input type = "submit" value = "Save" class = "submit" />

Now let’s run the apppcation and specify the following url − http://localhost:36905/EditCustomers and you will see the following web page.


As you can see, it is the same web page as ListCustomer, but it has the Edit Link extra for each record. Now let’s cpck on the Edit pnk of any customer, let’s say the first one and you will see the following page.

Update Customer

Let’s change the first name from Allan to Steve and cpck Save.

You will see the following page with the updated first name which is now at the end because we have sorted the pst according to the First Name.

Sorted the List Advertisements