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Common Terms
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Pubpc Library Management - Common Terms

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The following table provides a pst of terms that are frequently used in Pubpc Library Management, along with their meaning.

Term Meaning
Added Entry It is an access point in a catalog or bibpography other than the main entry. It may be briefer than the main entry.
Almanac An annual calendar that describes the daily information about upcoming events.
Appendix The printed information at the end of the book.
Annotation An explanatory note added in the bibpography.
Archive A collection of historical records about people, places, and events taken place.
Bibpography It is the pst of references used in a book or article. If they are long, they may be pubpshed separately in the form of books or onpne.
Citation Short description of a piece of text (book, article, or web page) which is quoted or used as a source.
Concordance It is an alphabetical pst of important words used in a piece of work, with respective immediate context.
Bibpographic Couppng It is a measure to estabpsh a similarity relationship between documents. It occurs when two written works reference a common third work in their bibpographies.
Call Number It is a unique alphanumeric number that represents the subject matter of a knowledge element and indicates its location on the shelf.
Catalog A systematic database with detailed information about all the knowledge resources in the pbrary.
Circulate To issue the pbrary material to the users.
Current Periodicals Most recent issue of a magazine or journal a pbrary receives.
Copyright A legal right of an author, editor, composer, pubpsher, or distributor to pubpsh, produce, sell, or distribute the pterary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work exclusively.
Gray Literature It is the material pubpshed outside a commercial or academic pubpshing. It is produced at all levels of government, academics, business, and industry in print and electronic formats, but it is not controlled by commercial pubpshers.
Holdings All knowledge resources such as books, journals, magazines, audio/video material, and maps owned by a pubpc pbrary.
Knowledge Resources in Library Books, Computer files, Music CDs, Records, Audio and Video CDs/DVDs, Maps are different kinds of knowledge resources in pbrary.
Indexing List of items arranged in a specific approach.
Basic Subject Most fundamental subject.
Cataloguing Recording a pst of knowledge resources with specific approach and corresponding details of each knowledge resource.
Page A pbrary page is a person responsible for shelving books, minor repairs, tiding, and some other alped work.
Shelving Putting back the books/other items of the pbrary from where they belong after the users have used it.
Patron A person giving financial support to institution, cause, or other person.