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Organizational Design - WorkSheet
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Organizational Design - WorkSheet

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Sometimes, the best way for a manager to determine the ideal organizational design model for his process is to determine the strategies that he employs to ensure that his team members achieve their goals.

The following worksheet is designed to identify the different components of an organization that are taken into consideration while designing an organizational model that best suits the company.

1. Which type of business models you rate highest? Why?

a. Family-owned Business

b. Multinational Organization

c. Multinational Company

d. In your own company


2. Which business sectors would you pke to work in? Why?

a. Journapsm/Media b. Transport & Tourism

c. Construction d. Pharmaceutical

e. Automobile Manufacturing f. IT Sector

g. Food and Drink h. Banking and finance


3. Select statements matching operational purpose of elements in Side-A:


    Finished products are sold here.

    Faulty products are mended here.

    An organization’s main office.

    Goods are stored here.

    Good are made here.

    Goods are sent to customers from here.

    People make sales calls here.

    A company partially owned by another company

Match Side - A Match Side - B
a. Factory / Plant
b. Service Center
c. Head Office
d. Distribution Center
e. Branches
f. Subsidiary
g. Warehouse
h. Call Centre

4. Complete the following sentences with words given below:

a. The earnings a company made in a fixed period from sales is called _______

b. The net earnings of a company after deducting costs is called ______

c. Employees of a company working in a particular country called the _______

d. The percentage contribution of a company in sales in given market _______

e. The monetary value of a company’s share _______

Words: Share Price, Workforce, Profit, Turnover, Market Share

5. What do the following departments do?

    Human Resources Department:

    Research & Development Department:

    Customer Service Department:

    Sales and Marketing Department:

    Logistics Department:

    Administration Department:

    Legal Department:

    Finance Department:

    Production Department:

    Pubpc Relations Department:

    Information Technology:

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