- Judge Your Progress
- Kaizen Techniques
- Identifying Strengths & Weakness
- Escalating a Problem
- Creating Positive Learning Environment
- Tackling Behavioral Problems
- Non-Behavioral Factors
- Behavioral Problems
- Levels of Classrooms
- Classroom Mngmt - Introduction
- Classroom Mngmt - Home
Classroom Management Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Judge Your Progress
Many classroom management tips have been discussed throughout the tutorial to assist you in becoming a good and then a great teacher. Here are some pointers you can use to judge your own progress.
You should answer these questions in the affirmative −
Have you laid down classroom behaviour rules at the beginning of the session?
Can you identify when a student tries to hijack your class?
Do the students come to you when they have a problem not related to your subject?
Are you able to identify triggers behind most of the problems?
Have you been praised for tactful handpng of a difficult child?
You should answer these questions in the negative −
Do you get angry when a student distracts you?
Do you feel frustrated when you are not able to proceed in the class as per plan?
Can the children sense when you are in a foul mood and behave accordingly?
Do you waste lots of your teaching time in explaining classroom rules?
If you come to your class late, do you find your class in chaos?