T-SQL Tutorial
T-SQL Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- T-SQL - Numeric Functions
- T-SQL - Date Functions
- T-SQL - String Functions
- T-SQL - Functions
- T-SQL - Indexes
- T-SQL - Transactions
- T-SQL - Stored Procedures
- T-SQL - Sub-Queries
- T-SQL - Joining Tables
- T-SQL - GROUP BY Clause
- T-SQL - ORDER BY Clause
- T-SQL - LIKE Clause
- T-SQL - WHERE Clause
- T-SQL - DELETE Statement
- T-SQL - UPDATE Statement
- T-SQL - SELECT Statement
- T-SQL - INSERT Statement
- T-SQL - Drop Tables
- T-SQL - Create Tables
- T-SQL - Data Types
- T-SQL - Overview
- T-SQL - Home
T-SQL Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
T-SQL - Home

T-SQL Tutorial
T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is an extension of SQL language. This tutorial covers the fundamental concepts of T-SQL such as its various functions, procedures, indexes, and transactions related to the topic. Each topic is explained using examples for easy understanding.
This tutorial is designed for those who want to learn the basics of T-SQL.
To go ahead with this tutorial, famiparity with database concepts is preferred. It is good to have SQL Server installed on your computer, as it might assist you in executing the examples yourself and get to know how it works.