- MariaDB - Useful Functions
- MariaDB - Backup Loading Methods
- MariaDB - Backup Methods
- MariaDB - SQL Injection Protection
- MariaDB - Managing Duplicates
- MariaDB - Sequences
- MariaDB - Table Cloning
- MariaDB - Temporary Tables
- Indexes & Statistics Tables
- MariaDB - Alter Command
- MariaDB - Transactions
- MariaDB - Regular Expression
- MariaDB - Null Values
- MariaDB - Join
- MariaDB - Order By Clause
- MariaDB - Like Clause
- MariaDB - Delete Query
- MariaDB - Update Query
- MariaDB - Where Clause
- MariaDB - Select Query
- MariaDB - Insert Query
- MariaDB - Drop Tables
- MariaDB - Create Tables
- MariaDB - Data Types
- MariaDB - Select Database
- MariaDB - Drop Database
- MariaDB - Create Database
- MariaDB - Connection
- MariaDB - PHP Syntax
- MariaDB - Administration
- MariaDB - Installation
- MariaDB - Introduction
- MariaDB - Home
MariaDB Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes

MariaDB Tutorial
MariaDB is a fork of the MySQL relational database management system. The original developers of MySQL created MariaDB after concerns raised by Oracle s acquisition of MySQL. This tutorial will provide a quick introduction to MariaDB, and aid you in achieving a high level of comfort with MariaDB programming and administration.
This tutorial targets novice developers and those new to MariaDB. It guides them in understanding basic through more advanced concepts in MariaDB. After completing this tutorial, your firm foundation in MariaDB and level of expertise will allow you to begin developing and easily build on your knowledge.
The tutorial assumes your famiparity with relational database management systems, querying languages, MySQL, and general programming. It also assumes famiparity with typical database operations in an apppcation.