- Splunk - Discussion
- Splunk - Useful Resources
- Splunk - Quick Guide
- Splunk - Stats Command
- Splunk - Top Command
- Splunk - Sort Command
- Splunk - Monitoring Files
- Splunk - Custom Chart
- Splunk - Removing Data
- Splunk - Apps
- Splunk - Tags
- Splunk - Calculated Fields
- Splunk - Managing Indexes
- Splunk - Sparklines
- Splunk - Overlay chart
- Splunk - Basic Chart
- Splunk - Event Types
- Splunk - Search Macros
- Splunk - Subseraching
- Splunk - Knowledge Management
- Splunk - Schedules and Alerts
- Splunk - Lookups
- Splunk - Pivot & Datasets
- Splunk - Dashboards
- Splunk - Reports
- Splunk - Transforming commands
- Splunk - Search Optimization
- Splunk - Search Language
- Splunk - Sharing and Exporting
- Splunk - Time Range Search
- Splunk - Field Searching
- Splunk - Basic Searching
- Splunk - Source Types
- Splunk - Data Ingestion
- Splunk - Interfaces
- Splunk - Environment
- Splunk - Overview
- Splunk - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes

Splunk Tutorial
Splunk is a software used to search and analyze machine data. This machine data can come from web apppcations, sensors, devices or any data created by user. It serves the needs of IT infrastructure by analyzing the logs generated in various processes but it can also analyze any structured or semi-structured data with proper data modelpng. It has built-in features to recognize the data types, field separators and optimize the search processes. It also provides data visuapzation on the search results.
This tutorial targets IT professionals, students, and IT infrastructure management professionals who want a sopd grasp of essential Splunk concepts. After completing this tutorial, you will achieve intermediate expertise in Splunk, and easily build on your knowledge to solve more challenging problems.
The reader should be famipar with querying language pke SQL. General knowledge in typical operations in using computer apppcations pke storing and retrieving data and reading the logs generated by computer programs will be an highly useful.